Sovereign Elk Character in Ash & Bone ~D&D 5e~ | World Anvil
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Sovereign Elk

Lofty Heritage. The giant elks of the material plane are often believed to be divine messengers, or even avatars of the gods themselves. Whether this is true or not, it is clear that Sovereign Elk possesses divine ancestry. The identity of that ancestry is unclear, however. Only Sovereign Elk's father, Oberon himself, could answer that question, and the Green Lord keeps his council.

Destruction and Renewal. No one knows the paths that Sovereign Elk traces through the trackless forests and taigas of the Feywild, save for perhaps his father. However, when Sovereign Elk does choose to venture into the civilized realms, it is almost always to bring destruction. Trees and castles alike are felled by Sovereign Elk's relentless stride, forests sprouting in its wake. None understand Sovereign Elk's motivations for these ventures.

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