The Serpent Organization in Arteria | World Anvil

The Serpent

Founded and secretly run by Klaus Hagen, this guild of vicious assassins was a way for the leader of The Hands of Dawn to partake in the messier part of criminal enterprises without ruining the image of the honorable thieves guild he openly rules.

Other than the Hands of Dawn, the Serpent specializes in all things that most people would close their eyes to in fear of vomiting. From murder, kidnapping, and torture to slave trade and rape, the members of the Serpent are willing and highly capable to perform any heinous act in the shadows as long as the price is high enough. They solely operate on commission never out of their own agenda.
When contacting them any wishes of how a certain task should be carried out can be negotiated and will be fulfilled in precision. This makes them also very useful for other criminal organizations that need things done without getting their own hands too dirty.

Of course, all this work the Serpent does is just a strategy created by Klaus Hagen to gain influence over other syndicates spying on them and eventually taking them over, absorbing them into either The Hands of Dawn or The Serpent. Their latest project is the acquisition of the Xanathar's Guild into their ranks. For that, they are carrying out many different missions for the rivaling guild steadily gathering intel about their defenses and chain of command. Until the time is right to take over:

~The patient snake needs only strike once~

The patient snake needs only strike once

Guild, Assassins
Notable Members

Articles under The Serpent