Farlight Building / Landmark in Aroka: Fallen World | World Anvil


The Eternal Library couldn't resist the opportunity to demonstrate the technological superiority of Cogys within the Tryvyum Trade Consortium's capital city of Amyhra. However, they needed to ensure that their feats of engineering couldn't fall into the wrong hands, so the Farlight facility was erected. This structure towers above the workshops and refineries of the Amyhran Industrial District, surveying the manufacturing and distribution of Cogys engineering. Its officials keep close tabs on all imports and exports to the district, ensuring that what few secrets they have elected to share with the world, such as the Coil, are being used properly and that no other information leaks out into the public. Some speculate that the facility has self-destruct capabilities in case someone tries to break and steal the knowledge of the Eternal Library. They go on to claim that such measures wouldn't be necessary as the building also has advanced security systems in place to prevent anyone from even getting close to accessing their secrets.
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