Cogys Geographic Location in Aroka: Fallen World | World Anvil


Located on the southeastern end of the Novad continent, Cogys, also known as the Land of Legacy, is a nation built atop the ruins of an advanced civilization. Gleaning long-lost knowledge from these ruins, they are constantly expanding their understanding of science and magic, merging them to create incredible technologies. However, they work very hard to keep their knowledge a secret from the rest of the world, even from their allies in the Consortium. There is a powerful criminal element dedicated to selling these secrets for profit that is constantly at odds with the officials trying to protect them. Apart from black marketeers, engineers, police, and scientists, a common occupation is delving, which is venturing into ancient ruins to uncover artifacts and secrets from the long-lost advanced civilization. Some delvers even venture beyond their borders to other nations and even into the wilderness in search of forgotten knowledge and ancient artifacts.
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