Adayla the Lost Character in Aroka: Fallen World | World Anvil

Adayla the Lost

The small Ottkin is a curious fellow. He claims to have been born in a civilization north of the Shattered Sea. His recollections are difficult to understand as he often loses his train of thought or stares off into the distance when asked about his homeland. The only thing that gives any credence to his claim is that he has an incredible gift for technology, rivaling even the greatest minds of Cogys. His mental state, however, makes him unpredictable and unreliable, preventing him from sharing his knowledge in academic circles whether it be in Amyhra or Cogys. As a result, he keeps mostly to himself, tinkering with whatever scraps he can get his hands on. At some point, his creativity caught the attention of those interested in shifting the control of ancient knowledge away from the Eternal Library, recruiting him as an inventor for the Torchbearers.
Current Location
Date of Birth
98th Day of Twilight
Current Residence
Aligned Organization


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