Nex - The Screaming Tyrant Character in Arkos | World Anvil
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Nex - The Screaming Tyrant

“Destiny is a game, is it not? And await my latest move."
  Originally an Alphacian seated on The Conclave during the First Age, the being known as Nexonimus ascended to become an Ancient  and serve as a bridge between the two powerful races. Serving as the Ancient of Darkness, the title did not yet carry with it the ill tidings and horror that it does in present times; shadow is, after all, as much a part of the world as light is. During The Cataclysm, Nex became a fallen ancient, being associated with Tyranny and Undeath.   After becoming a Fallen at the end of the Cataclysm and being cast down into the Brink Lands on Arkos, Nex would later resurface both in The Silver City briefly assisting Prometh researchers, and as the head of the Black Empire.   Nex ruled an epoch of terror towards the end of the Second Age, destroying all that would oppose him and raising them as his undead servants. Even the combined forces of the Order of the Eclipse during the Eclipse War were not enough to stave off his arcane fury. Only using The Eclipse Stone was the Order able to open a portal to The Void and seal Nex inside, freeing the world from his tyranny. As a parting gift, Nex left a crater where The Dreadspire once stood and presumebly killed Torrin Firragon, Mythra's lover.   After his 1,000 year banishment at the hands of the Order of the Eclipse, Nex returned with the aid of Lord Remnant and The Eclipse Stone, and was able to both destroy half of Arkos' moon Lien-Da, strip Selune of her powers by nearly killing her, and enact his ritual of The Kindling.   Nex enacted a new wave of terror across Crescentia, uprooting the settlements of The Silver City, Underlight, and Crepsucule Pass. His somewhat realized goal was the creation of the Nexus, a new realm modeled in his image. Nex's plan was eventually thwarted by The Companions, who banished him using divine shackles after confronting him at the top of The Dreadspire during the Battle of the New Dawn.   While Nex may now be banished from the known realms, his legacy lingers on, most notably in the scarred landscape of mainland Crescentia, in the shattered moon above Arkos, and in the thousands of displaced mortals who were victims of the Kindling.

Divine Domains

Necromancy, Ambition, Shadows, Tyranny

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Jagged claws clutching a blue flame.

Tenets of Faith

  • A man can have everything, if he is willing to sacrifice anything.
  • Reshape the world in Nex's image; by any means necessary.
  • Recognize the power within yourself, and in doing so, recognize it in others to exploit them for your own benefit.
Neutral Evil
Ruled Locations


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