Torrin Firragon Character in Arkos | World Anvil
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Torrin Firragon

"My hope for my life is to become a fraction of the hero Torrin was. Throughout Western Arkos, regardless of race or loyalty, people know Torrin's name. And they respect it." - Sir Galavant of Crescentia
  Torrin Firragon was the name of Mythra Crescentia's right hand man, best friend, and lover. He was the Order of the Eclipse's swordsman and bannerman. Today in the Crescent Empire, he is regarded by all as an incredible hero and martyr to be honored. Even outside the empire, in places such as the Oreion Inquisition, Torrin's name is known and is regarded with respect and admiration. Known to be an incredible warrior, Torrin's battle prowess was apparently only matched by his kindness towards others. Accounts recovered from all the members of the Order of the Eclipse regard Torrin as patient and gentle with those around him, even offering mercy to the many enemies he bested on the battlefield. As Telmin Brightforge put it: "Mythra found herself a real diamond in the rough. He inspires me to be the best dwarf I can be; could do without all the heroic speeches myself, but hey. The others appreciate it."
Torrin was also known for wielding the holy sword Daybreak; a blade of light said to be given to him by the Ancient Selune - The DawnMother herself.   Tragically, Torrin's life was cut short during the Order's final battle with Nex. History tells that Torrin's sacrifice is what enabled the Order to gain the upper hand and seal Nex away in the Void, though it seems the band of friends drifted apart due to their loss, and never fully recovered.   Along with the other members of the Order, a statue of Torrin resides in Imperia's court of heroes; a monument to inspire future heroes to fight for what they believe in.


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