Brink Lands Geographic Location in Arkos | World Anvil
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Brink Lands

"Ice contains no future, only the past sealed away."
  A harsh, frozen wasteland according to many Crescentians, the Northern Brink Lands has never been officially charted in full by the Crescent Empire. Cut off from the rest of Arkos by the wall of jagged peaks, the Brink Mountains, the Brink Lands have been home to various nomadic tribes for centuries. The northern people have long been known as a free, proud, and fiercely independent group.   Navigating the Brink Lands is beyond challenging, as it is filled with treacherous paths, powerful winds, jagged cliffs, and hungry monsters. Vicious Remorhaz stalk beneath the ice, while hungry yetis and Frost Giants survey the frosty cliffsides. However, the two biggest dangers in the Brink Lands aren’t necessarily its inhabitants. The wind is fierce and constant, and can easily tug someone off a cliff or freeze them to death in a matter of minutes. The second danger is sunlight. Large peaks are covered in ice and the light reflects from every angle.   Despite all this, The Brink Lands are a good place to be alone with one's own thoughts, if you don’t mind the biting wind, the searing cold, and the repetitive stretches of ice and rock. For example, the peaks of the Glaive Mountains are handsome in an austere way. Inside lies Crepuscle pass, a beautiful glacier cirque that leads into the dark tunnels of the mountains. Little grows here — a random bush sprouting in a nook along a cliff face or a few tough blades of grass in a crack. Everything else is stone and ice. Animals appear to be rare, though the secrets the ice have kept hidden over the years are in large supply...   Many of those well versed in antiquity and magical studies contend that the Brink Lands were not always the barren frozen wastes they are currently; once being a lush and vibrant land during the First Age. A popular theory is that, after The Cataclysm , those Ancients that fell crashed into the world of Arkos itself, their impact corrupting and transforming the land itself.
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