Alathar Balefrost Character in Arkos | World Anvil
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Alathar Balefrost

Hero. King. Legend. Everyone on Crescentia knows the name Alathar Balefrost and the tales of his heroics as he fought against the Screaming Tyrant alongside the rest of the Order of the Eclipse.   Born to a peasant village in The Silver Isles, Alathar was always a bright child, dazzling his parents and teachers with his quick understanding of magic and swordplay. He quickly became known for not only his expertise with a blade, but also for his quick wit and sharp intuition. Respected among the Silver Elves and all other races that knew of him, Alathar grew prideful in his strength. Never losing a battle, always being a step ahead and the admiration of all around him fed into his bloated ego. That is, until disaster struck. While Alathar was off battling a beast that threatened his little village, a horde of undead swept through his home; razing everything and leaving nothing behind but blood and undeath. When he returned, the devastation was unlike anything he’d ever seen before. However, he was not alone. Walking amongst the carnage was a woman, and man, and a stocky dwarf. Wrongfully mistaking her for the culprit, Alathar threw himself at her in a fury, deaf to her protests. And for the first time in his life, Alathar was defeated. Disarmed and humiliated, this is how Alathar came to know Mythra Crescentia.   The Eclipse War was a time of nightmares, the Order of the Eclipse being the only beacon of hope in a dark time. During this time Alathar came to know humility, after realizing the mortality of the mortal races; even of the graceful and long lived elves. Mythra, Torrin Firragon, Golag Eagle-Eye, Telmin Brightforge and Teg Trickfoot. The other members of this group came to be like family to Alathar, although he always liked Teg the best. Her inquisitive nature and neverending optimism always had a way to make Alathar smile; to laugh even in the war-torn world that they were living in.   As the battles drew to a new level of intensity, Alathar couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed. The hordes of the Black Empire's undead were neverending. As fast as he was, he felt that he could never be exactly where he needed to be in time. So he turned to an outside source for help. Standing on a grassy knoll outside of what used to be his village, Alathar cried out to the Ancient of Storms and Weather, Arkos. Hearing his call, Arkos reached out and took Alathar’s weapon, a shortsword named after his father; Yamato Balefrost, the man who pushed Alathar to become the best he could be. His blade was remade, touched by the magic of the Ancient, becoming Alathar’s greatest tool in his ongoing fight against the Screaming Tyrant before it was shattered in the claw of Nex himself.   After the Eclipse War ended and Mythra began constructing the foundation for a new empire, Alathar disagreed vehemently. After several verbal altercations, Alathar made it clear that neither himself or the other members of the Order should support this. After taking down a tyrant, why would they impose a new one on the people? Taking his people underground to construct The Silver City, where they would all mysteriously disappear for close to 1,000 years.   Alathar was later found to be still alive by The Companions hundreds of years later, his people having long since been killed by a curse Nex left behind before his initial banishment. After helping the Companions end the curse for good, Alathar was able to pass on peacefully and finally be reunited with his kind.


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