Agromancy Physical / Metaphysical Law in Argentii | World Anvil


Agromancy is the very foundation of modern society, whether the Technomancers wish to admit it or not.
— Shiv Moonsong

Agromancy is the slow nurturing of the natural magics inherent in everything: animal, vegetable, and mineral. This slow, energentic imbuement is critical to the function of not only traditional agromancy-enchanted items such as ever-warm tea cups and airflow window panes, but it is important to note that all Technomaniacal Contraptions can only be made from Agromagical Materials, such as the imbued sands from Tilth.


Items imbued with agromancy, whether in their raw material state or those that have been processed in any manner (such as a raw fruit being sliced into a salad or a tree being cut into planks for the hull of a ship), have a faint visual quality. It is not a glow, a sparkle, or a shine. It is, perhaps, akin to a shimmer or a sheen, like the surface of a pearl. It is subtle, and only manifests in the reflection of bright light against the object's surface. Again, similar to a pearl or the inside of a seashell.


The ages-long process through which agromancy is achieved comes down to two things: blood sacrifice and dragon nests. The radiation generated by an Iwhute lingers in the molecular structure of exposed materials, down to the atomic level. Due to the abundance of nests around the continent (it is estimated that every island has at least one iwhute) the effect is wide-spread. However, due to the generations of dedicated specialization of each island, each tends to be known for the agromagical properties of one particular agromagical material.

Metaphysical, Arcane


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Dec 17, 2023 09:28 by Nimin N

I really like this concept of nurturing and enhancing the inherent magic potential in things, so I'd say yes why not? :)

Dec 17, 2023 15:58 by Haly the Moonlight Bard

....if you're wondering, this is the answer to the question, "How can I create some form of 'magic 5G network' for mundane, useful shit like windows that let breezes in and keep bugs out and everwarm tea cups?" She says, staring at her ever-cold coffee mug.

Jan 8, 2024 03:46 by Ezra Aldrich

This is a delightful concept. I like that there's a bit of "beef" between agromancy and technomancy. This is a wonderful idea to explain those various enchantments.

Jan 10, 2024 14:57 by Haly the Moonlight Bard

For every quick and messy power source (Technoalchemy), there has to be a painstakingly slow way, as well. Steampunk has to have some weird 'unlimited source of small heat' that makes the steam that makes things work. But because I know soooooooo much about science, everything in my world has to have some sort of grounding in the principles of sub-atomic physics. So in order to twist the steampunk into magi-punk (which just means I can do the practical stuff without too much bother), the painstakingly slow way (basically 'growing the coal' for lack of a better reference) has to also be involved in order to make it all work. If I'm looking for sources of conflict that aren't ethnically based, then the constant struggle between quick progress and slow evolution is an obvious choice, because it's resonant in any age and culture.