Modern Yenai Tongue Language in Ardre | World Anvil

Modern Yenai Tongue

The central language for the Four Great Satari Kingdoms: the Holy Qhaganate of Zalja, the Republic of Yena, the United Serifates of Khabar, and Yaalk.   Major Dialects
High Zaljan: The dialect of cities and nobility, and of greater diffuse in Zalja itself. Most literature is written in High Zaljan, and virtually all Yaalkese speak it.
Low Zaljan: Found in rural and poor areas of Zalja.
Yenese: The primary dialect of the Republic of Yena. It should be added that each of the eight major settlements of Yena have their own specific sub-dialects, though virtually any speaker of any of these sub-dialects can be understood.
Khabari: The primary dialect of central and southern Khabar. Northern Khabar tends to speak Low or High Zaljan.
Cickatrice: A rough, guttural dialect found in the eastern half of the Cickatrice Tail, strongly influenced by Demiri, a dead tongue once spoken throughout Khabar.
Yaalkese: The traditional dialect of nomadic Yaalkese peoples.