Haunric Toll Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Haunric Toll

The Hand that Ended the First Brothers Rebellion

Mox Haunric Toll

A Mox Man sworn to Clan Graunt, who fought for Garland the Grim during the First Brothers Rebellion. Haunric was a second son to a lord's brother and never held any lands, yet he is now more renowned than any other member of his family. At the Battle of Wedge Coast, Mox Haunric reached and slew Prince Erick, effectively ending the war, though a few minor skirmishes would follow.   Garland the Grim was never a very popular king, but he was respected, and many celebrated Mox Haunric for his victory. Prince Erick was the more charming of the two contestants, however, and the fact that he was out on the field of combat far more often than Garland won him admirers as well. A major impetus for the Rebellion was the Hollymock wherein Garland cut off Erick's hand. Many warriors pointed out that slaying a one-handed man was nothing of which to boast. The epithet "Cripple Killer" would follow Mox Haunric to his grave.   Mox Haunric was given his own estate in Aerbaile by his uncle, but would abandon it and take up residence in Thurbrand shortly after a year. There, he would take to heavy drink, largely unchecked. He died at two-and-thirty. Spellers attributed his death to a poisoned liver. Less than a month after his death, the Second Brothers Rebellion would begin.
4809 4841 32 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died of decay brought on by excessive drink.
Character Portrait image: Clan Toll