Erudism Organization in Ardras | World Anvil


"Pray to Marra for introspection, pray to Parra for strength, and pray to the Child for success."
— Erudite Sage


The study of Erudism is built on the understanding that knowledge passes down from generation to generation through individuals. It is the study of the ways, traditions, cultures, and ancient knowledge of the earliest human empires and their ancient magics. Erudism seeks to understand the world and the nature of magic, and it has long since been a staple of Lithosian culture. They are built on an academic-religious system of mages.

  • Archsage — A Sage of Verrid who represents a specific school of magic. Only five of these individuals may hold their position at a time. These were considered among the most powerful mages in the world and have historically held influence over the kingdoms of Lithos. This is the highest level a mage can aspire to be.
  • Sage — A powerful mage who operates under an archsage as an assistant, bodyguard, informant, and more. Sages study for many years after they graduate from the rank of archmage. They are held in high regard and are permitted to wear the signifying robes of their rank.
  • Archmage — A strong mage who has many years of study under their belt. A mage can only graduate to an archmage after successfully learning all five schools of magic.
  • Mage — A standard magic user who has graduated with twelve years of training in any one of the five schools of magic. These are typically young adults and teenagers who have started the path of the mage early on in their life.
  • Novitiate — An initiate mage who spends the formative years of their life training in any one of the five schools of magic. Each year corresponds to an astrological sign, and their uniforms designate which year they are in in accordance with these signs. Adults and outsiders interested in learning magic may enter in at this level, but only with special permissions applied for and granted through the Mage's Guild and high ranking members of the faith.
    • 9th to 12thYear: The Mage — A graduating student of 21-25 years of age. This role must graduate by passing their final exams to be considered full fledged mages.
    • 7th & 8th Year: The Queen or The King — An accomplished student of 18-20 years of age. They are often responsible for organizing clubs and events for younger students and for defending younger students from danger. Girls are assigned as Queens, and boys are assigned as Kings.
    • 6th Year: The Noble — An upperclass mage between 16-17 years of age, who studies the traditions and values of the Erudite faith. The study of ancient rites and social responsibilities are taught.
    • 5th Year: The Scholar — An upperclass mage between 14-15 years of age. This is considered to be the most work-intensive year of study, as students are taught the many ancient books and the lore of the faith.
    • 4th Year: The Merchant — An sophmore mage between the ages of 12-13. These tweens are taught the importance of commerce and of a basic understanding of economy.
    • 3rd Year: The Farmer — A beginner mage between the ages of 10-11. These children are taught the basics of green nura and nature magic as a foundation to their growing understanding of magic.
    • 1st & 2nd Year: The Healer or The Warrior — These are the two years of preliminary training for children between the age of 7-9. They are often spent socializing and focusing on making friends, learning the fundamentals of magic, and learning to use simple weapons. Girls are assigned as Healers, and boys are assigned as Warriors.
  • Ovates — Young mages who start their training early. They are taught by personal teachers from around the age of six. Ovates are assigned either as Artists or Craftsmen and wear the associated robes, a choice made for them by their parents.
  • Aspirants — Child mages who show early signs of talent with magic, often as toddlers and young children. Their robes are specially decorated with the markings of The Child.


Erudism is a traditional Lithosian belief system tracing its roots back to the First Kingdom of Men. This religion incorporates elements of animistic spirits, nature gods and goddesses, animal demigods, ancient kings and equally ancient bloodlines. They believe in dragons, fiends, sprites, fate, and chance. Druidic gatherings, personal connections to specific sacred groves, tracking celestial bodies, inscribing runic stones, and creating runic artifacts are all important aspects.

Mythology & Lore

In Erudism's mythos, the world of Ardras and all that inhabit it are a part of the dream of The Child. The Child is the primoridal force balancing Marra the Mother and Parra the Father.

Erudite folklore is filled with faefolk, treants, dragons, mermaids, will-o-wisps, and many other English and Celtic creatures. Astrology and the study of the stars plays a major role in the stories told by their ancient books.

Divine Origins

This religion sprang up from the study of recollected records from the Empire of the First Men and their surrounding kingdoms. Lithosian scholars and mages strive to piece together the shattered past of the kingdoms to make sense of the world around them.

Cosmological Views

In the beginning, Marra and Parra crafted the world in service to the Dawn Gods. They bore The Child — the first human being. The Child began to dream, and from this dream, humans sprang forth. The world is The Child's dream, and all of reality exists within it. The Child dreamed of the Essebu as the guardians of this world, they whose magic was unmatched.   But, the secrets of magic were stolen from the Essebu by a clever Human king. This hero — God King Arrliot — shared these secrets with God King Barrony, God King Obrrin, God Queen Morrigan, and God Queen Verrid. With their newfound mastery over magic, they helped the human peoples rise and created the First Empire of Man.   The god kings created the foundations of civilization and amassed unrivaled power. The Essebu crafted the Fervorians as artificial warriors and allied with the Tokage of the southern jungles and grasslands to bring down the powerful human kingdoms. Despite their efforts, the Fervorians failed in their battles and were enslaved by the humans. With the Humans' new battalions of immortal Fervorian warriors, the Tokage dynast-kings soon found themselves outmatched. The god-kings established new kingdoms and human superiority prospered.   The Essebu, dwindling in number, cast a powerful and earth-shattering spell. The Sundering struck at the heart of God King Arrliot's kingdom and ruptured the landscape, drastically transforming it forever.   The Child still dreams. Erudism is the study of that dream.

Tenets of Faith

  • The World is but the Dream of The Child.
  • The study of knowledge is foundational to an understanding of the world around you.
  • Magic is built on knowledge, but knowledge is built on wisdom.
  • Magic is a powerful and subversive force, and it should not be trifled with.
  • Magic should be used in service to the God Kings and not to the Self.
  • It is the responsibility of a Mage to combat negative magic with positive magic and vice-versa.
  • Should The Child Awaken, the Dream Shall End.


Emphasis is placed on the importance of knowledge and the wisdom to use that knowledge. To utilize magic is to wield the very nature of reality itself, and it is important to do so responsibly. Teachers often exercise caution and use a standardized form of education. The Sages of Verrid are the final authority on the proper use of magic, and they ultimately control the faith.


The Erudite Forest is the central location of the schools which teach the faith. Though there are statues and shrines to several deities throughout the lands of Lithos, pilgrims and mages visit the forest to pray to their patrons.


The druidic circles of master sages lead and organize the faith from sacred groves and stone circle gathering places throughout the Erudite Forest. These locations are for the gathering of students and the teaching of magic. They have a ranked heirarchal system.

Political Influence & Intrigue

This religion has deeply permeated Lithosian traditions and cultures with the Sages of Verrid as their chief seat of authority. These sages claim their lineage from the earliest descendents of God Queen Verrid. The ancient city of Hammas and its great library contains strong evidence for this claim, and their authority has held up for thousands of years. The sages even have a major influence in the matters of Lithosian kings and international conflicts.


  • The Crimson Circle — A community of sages dedicated to the teachings of the red nura.
  • Radiance Archaenum — A sacred grove of sages dedicated to the teachings of the white nura.
  • Viridia's Vale — An isolated vale inhabited by sages dedicated to the teachings of the green nura.
  • Silentshore Sages - A band of sages who occupy the shores and islands dedicated to the teachings of the blue nura.
  • Morrigan's Mausoleum - A circle of sages who gather within an ancient graveyard dedicated to the teachings of the black nura.

In the name of Marra, Parra, and the Child.

A conservative religion that focuses on the passing of knowledge, traditional values, and mankind's relationship with magic. In the name of the God-Kings.
Founding Date
Religious, Druidic Circle
Leader Title
Permeated Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles