Narum Character in Arda | World Anvil
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Narum (nɑr ʌm)

Narum (a.k.a. Anicäd Möhítéh, Lanniftes Dettelsit)

Narum is the deity of luck, music, and protection and the third child of Sinnis and Dayyanum. He is a carefree individual who believes everyone should go through life with a song in their heart if not on their lips.

Divine Domains

Luck, music, protection

Holy Books & Codes

Buch der Lieder― This is a large book of songs from all over, with music and when necessary, translations. The book contains songs of praise to all the deities, including the evil ones.
Tales of the Wanderer― Another large book that is full of tales of Narum’s travels as well as parables teaching his philosophy, and no few songs of praise and worship to him.

Divine Symbols & Sigils


Tenets of Faith

  • Always question authority and seek your own answers
  • Encourage others to think freely and for themselves
  • Seek after knowledge and truth in all its forms
  • Live your life without restricting others
  • Freedom and liberty are the birthright of all intelligent beings
  • Oppose slavery in all its forms
  • Seek the music within and without
  • Encourage entertainers for they bring joy to all.
  • Protect those who cannot protect themselves
  • Fortune favors the bold


Music Day; 1st of Paun―A day for enjoying music in all its forms. People are encouraged to sing and make music in any way they can. Many bards take the opportunity to unvail new works on this day.

Protector’s Day; 7th of Metorey―A day set aside to honor those who protect others, usually town guards and city watches, members of those organizations are honored with feasts and parties in their honor usually held and attended by family and close friends. Though some communities organize parades.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

When he manifests, he generally appears as above average in height, but thin. With long hair and a thick mustache, bright eyes, and a perpetual grin. He is tanned from constant exposure to the sun and always wears bright clothing, usually in shades of blue and red. He likes to wear a brightly colored cap with a feather stuck into it a jaunty angle. He almost always has a musical instrument of some sort in hand, usually a lute, but sometimes other instruments.

Facial Features

Narum likes to sport a thick handlebar mustache whenever it is appropriate to the form he assumes, and sometimes when his form isn’t appropriate. His eyes are wide and greenish blue. With a piercing gaze that seems to take in everything. He is almost always grinning as if faintly amused by what’s going on around him. He appears young though his face is seamed with laugh lines and perpetually tanned.

Apparel & Accessories

Narum likes to wear a long-sleeved shirt topped with a vest in contrasting colors. He likes to wear baggy pants fastened just above the knees over hose of a lighter shade. He wears knee high leather boots with a brightly colored sash around his waist and a lace cravat about his neck. Regardless of the form he takes he always wears a brightly colored cap with a father stuck into it at a jaunty angle.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The third child of Sinnis and Dayyanum, Narum was born after the Godswar. The younger sibling to Sanoma and Osa he was born in a glen deep in a forest. According to legend a new star blazed across the sky the day he was born. The star glowed in the night for a tenday before winking out. His birth was hidden from the other gods at the time because a prophecy stemming from the Godswar claimed the thirdborn grandchild of Utu and Asmodeus would shift the balance of power in the heavens and while many of the gods wished to sway him to one side or the other, his parents wanted him free to choose. Consequently, his parents hid him on Arda for his childhood moving him from village to village.

It was during his time on Arda, that he heard the songbirds and decided that people could create their own music. He tried several ways of producing his own music which became the pipes, horns, and lyre, before he designed the first lute. As a youth he travelled from village to village turning their tales into songs and sharing the songs of other villages with each new audience. Soon mortals were inspired by him to write songs and carry tales as he did. Narum gave these early bards his blessing bringing them luck wherever they went.

When he reached adulthood, his parents tracked him down and told him the truth of his heritage bringing him into the heavens for the first time. As a grandchild of both Utu and Asmodeus he was initially torn between who to support. His mother, Sinnis told him to follow his heart, so he returned to Arda to think. It’s said that he sat for a time in a glade watching the songbirds flitting from tree to tree singing their songs before he realized that freedom was the key to beautiful music. He returned to his parents and told them he was siding with Utu and the other deities who wished the mortals free to choose their own destiny.

To this day he spends much of his time wandering Arda in the form of a wandering minstrel. It’s said that those who offer him new stories or songs for is collection receive his blessing bringing them luck and protection. He is said to visit those who invent new musical instruments and spend time with them learning their new creations and in turn teaching them rare songs he thinks can be well adapted to their instruments. Despite his profession of support for the gods who defend mortal freedom, he spends most of his time among the mortals whom he loves, rarely taking part in the machinations of the other gods.

Accomplishments & Achievements

While Narum would deny inventing music, he is the one who brought music to the intelligent races. He also invented a number of musical instruments which he is quite proud of. However, he is equally proud of those who write their own compositions or invent clever new ways to make music. As they universally credit him with being the inspiration for their work.

Intellectual Characteristics

Narum is witty and has a prodigious memory. He is also very creative, with an immense capability for invention. He is capable of quick thinking on the fly often improvising elaborate tales, songs, or schemes at a moment’s notice. While he is quick with a joke, or even an insult, he is kind hearted and never deliberately tries to hurt someone, unless they prove to be a threat to him or his friends.

Morality & Philosophy

Narum is a seeker of knowledge and truth and values questioning the establishment. He’s a free thinker who acts as his conscience dictates with little regard for the expectations of others and is motivated to “awaken” other free thinkers. He believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. He hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He has no qualms about breaking laws, especially when doing so will save others or protect others’ rights from being trampled. He views laws and regulations as unneeded mechanisms of control rather than protection and believes that most people are inherently good and will act good if given the freedom to act as their conscience dictates. He has a live and let live attitude towards life and strives to live his life without restricting the lives of others.

Personality Characteristics


Narum is a free spirit motivated by his desire to see all and experience everything. He seeks new material for his songs and is always on the lookout for exciting tales. He also desires to encourage and inspire mortals to think freely and to find the music within. He abhors slavery and opposes it at every turn, and doesn’t care much for laws that infringe on people’s freedom.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Narum is an incredibly talented musician who is skilled in playing just about every instrument. He also has a virtuoso singing voice with a fabulous five octave range. He also has an eidetic memory when it comes to music and stories able to recall the longest of tales after a single hearing. He has a tendency towards naivete when it comes to people, preferring to see the good in people until they have given him a reason to do otherwise. Despite having been burned repeatedly he still is quick to trust.

Likes & Dislikes

Narum loves creativity in all its forms but especially when it comes to music and musical instruments. He likes questioning authority seeking answers for himself and encouraging others to do likewise. He dislikes anything that would hamper freedom, especially freedom to create. He hates slavery in all its forms and opposes it whenever he encounters it.

Virtues & Personality perks

He is a big believer in freedom and questions everything preferring to seek answers for himself. He has a prodigious memory for stories and music and has memorized most of the songs and stories in Arda and is always looking for new tales and stories. He can compose new songs on the spot often turning tales he hears into new compositions as he hears them.

Vices & Personality flaws

If he has a flaw, it’s his tendency to want to see the good in people despite everything. He believes that people are inherently good and given the freedom to, will act for the greater good. This has burned him repeatedly in the past and caused him a number of problems that he has had to extricate himself from.


Contacts & Relations

Spending most of his time on Arda mingling with mortals, Narum, hasn’t made many relationships amongst the other gods, though there are a few. Narum is on good terms with both Arammu and Vaalea, with whom he shares a love of music. He is friendly with his brother Osa who also believes in luck and freedom. He enjoys his brother Sanoma’s tricks and jokes and has collaborated with him in the past on some pranks. His friendly relationship with his mother Sinnis is one of mutual respect for shared ideology. A believer in freedom and staunch opponent of slavery makes him an opponent of his grandfather Asmodeus. He is also an opponent of Mursu, while he recognizes the inevitability of death, he dislikes the ways Mursu pursues it.

Family Ties

Narum is the child of Sinnis and Dayyanum, this makes him the grandchild of Utu and Eresu as well as Asmodeus and Bensozia. He is the younger brother of Sanoma and Osa and the elder brother of Kalbu.

Social Aptitude

Narun is a very charismatic and charming individual, capable of talking his way into almost anywhere and out of anything. For all his ability to manipulate he is a good-natured person who never uses his abilities maliciously. In addition, he is very open and generous praising when warranted and criticizing where needed. This just makes him all the more attractive to others who generally flock to his side, and his aid when he needs it.


Almost always polite, when dealing with those who would enslave others or deny them their freedom, he is capable of displaying chilling scorn. Friendly and open, he is everyone’s pal earning money with his performances and spending it just as fast buying drinks for everyone.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The lord of good fortune, The celestial maestro, The great protector
Light greenish-blue and wide open
light brown worn long and tied back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 9"
154 lbs

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