Divine Flamekeeper Rank/Title in Arcathia: The new Order | World Anvil
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Divine Flamekeeper

"Purge your sin in the flame. Let it flicker and devour the vile and lust that runs in your veins, until nothing else than zeal coarses through your souls pulsating wrath. Through the marks of great chains on your skin, let them see your plight, while with torches alight you lead ever onwards into the night."
  Who are the Divine Flamekeepers, but old criminals and sinners of the worst sorts. All embraced by a lust which they could not control, the House of Castitas took it onto their hands to reform these men and women into a torch for all to see, that anyone may be offered a second chanse to change.   To become a Divine Flamekeeper is naught a title one can just bribe for coin, but it must be deserved. Paved in blood, pain and skin scorched by steel chains, tempered hot to an almost melting point, as they permanently meld it into their very chests, skins and spines.   Through this rite of being engulfed in metal fires, it is believed that the flamekeepers shackle up their own demons within their very cores. Then starts their journey for redemption, as they fight with maces which burns like torches on the very frontlines of battle, while wearing little more than shoulderplates, chain pants and a black, scorched dress around it. All wired up in similar chains which had been burned into their skin.   Ironically, the process does indeed seem to work, and has never been a title forced for anyone to bear. Rather only those who desperately seek redemption have ever had the guts to proceed through the initation supposed to cleanse them of all fear, pain and hedonism. Thus forging from the flames champions that once looked down and spat on, now stride through glory and respect as they thread the battlefields as the redeeming flame which pierce the sins away.
Religious, Military
Form of Address
Source of Authority
Lady Castitas
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