Bodhisutra Character in Arcane Realm | World Anvil


Sita Srama

The Bodhisutra (also known as Sita Sutra) was a philosopher, mendicant, meditator, spiritual teacher, and religious leader who lived in Ancient Deshi Region. She is revered as the founder of the world religion of Sramana as the first bodhisattva.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sita Sutra was once a Deshi princess born in the lap of luxury. The region at the time of Sita was very spiritually open. Every major philosophical view was present in society, and people expected spirituality to influence their daily lives in positive ways. Growing up, Sutra was exceptionally intelligent and compassionate. Since her parents arranged for her to be married to a young prince of a powerful kingdom, they tried to prevent Sita from seeing the unsatisfactory nature of the worldly surrounding her with every kind of pleasure.   She was taught many talents to be an ideal princess however, on a rare outing from her luxurious palace, she saw someone desperately sick. The next day, she saw a decrepit old man, and finally a dead person. She was very upset to realize that old age, sickness and death would come to everyone she loved. Sita had no refuge to offer them.   The next morning the princess walked past a meditator who sat in deep absorption. When their eyes met and their minds linked, Sita stopped, mesmerized. In a flash, she realized that the perfection she had been seeking outside must be within the mind itself. Meeting that man gave the future Bodhisattva a first and enticing taste of mind, a true and lasting refuge, which Sita knew she had to experience herself for the good of all.   Her father a local king asked his daughter to marry a wealthy man, she told him that she would obey his command, so long as the marriage eased three misfortunes. Sita explained that the first misfortune the marriage should ease was the suffering people endure as they age. The second misfortune it should ease was the suffering people endure when they fall ill. The third misfortune it should ease was the suffering caused by death. If the marriage could not ease any of the above, then she would rather retire to a life of religion forever.   When her father asked who could ease all the above, Sita pointed out that a doctor was able to do all of these. Her father grew angry as he wanted her to marry a person of power and wealth, not a healer. He forced her into hard labor and reduced her food and drink for 3 months but this did not cause her to yield.   Every day she begged to be able to enter a temple and become a nun instead of marrying. Her father eventually allowed her to work in the temple, but asked the monks to give her the toughest chores in order to discourage her. The monks forced Sita to work all day and all night while others slept in order to finish her work. However, she was such a good person that the animals living around the temple began to help her with her chores. Her father, seeing this, became so frustrated that he attempted to burn down the temple. Sita put out the fire with her bare hands and suffered no burns. Now struck with fear, her father ordered her to be put to death.   The night before she was to be executed, a supernatural tiger dragged her to one of the more hell-like realms. While there, she witnessed first-hand the suffering and horrors that the beings there must endure, and was overwhelmed with grief. Filled with compassion, she playing music and flowers blossomed around her, thus freeing many suffering souls back into Heaven and Kaf. In the process, that Hell-like realm became a paradise completely surprised the hell guardian. He sent her back to Kaf to prevent the utter destruction of the realm, and that upon her return she appeared back in her palace.     Sita decided she had to leave her royal responsibilities and family in order to realize full enlightenment. She left the palace secretly, and set off alone into the forest. Over the next six years, she met many talented meditation teachers and mastered their techniques. Always she found that they showed her mind’s potential but not mind itself. Finally, at a place deep within the Himavanta, the future Bodhisurta decided to remain in meditation under a tree until she knew mind’s true nature and could benefit all beings. After spending seven days and nights cutting through mind’s most subtle obstacles, she reached enlightenment on the full moon morning of May, a week before she turned 42.     At the moment of full realization, all veils of mixed feelings and stiff ideas dissolved and Bodhisutra experienced the all-encompassing here and now. All separation in time and space disappeared and melted into one radiant state of intuitive bliss and timeless, all-pervading awareness. She became Bodhisutra, the Awakened One.   After her enlightenment, Bodhisutra traveled on foot throughout northern Varsa and Jambu . She taught constantly for 60 years. People of all castes and professions, from kings to courtesans, were drawn to her. She answered their questions, always pointing towards that which is ultimately real.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Throughout her life, Bodhisutra encouraged her students to question her teachings and confirm them through their own experience. This non-dogmatic attitude still characterizes Sramana today.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Medium Brown


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