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stock fantasy trope made to analyze societies with fully actualized women. Also fit ladies for the win.

Amazons are a species of humans where females develop to be the physically stronger and taller sex of the species than the males. In Amazon societies, women tend to be their society's political and religious leaders, as well as the warriors and hunters; queens can be elected, and any woman can aspire to and achieve full expression. They are known for keeping their men at home as house-husbands while the women are off hunting and fighting. As such, the females have developed into a warrior race that highly values personal fitness and combat ability.   Most Amazon settlements tend to be smaller bands or tribes within a land. The males born in this race have social status that is typically below those of their female counterparts. There are certain territories that a single Amazon clan has claimed for themselves but there are also ones where multiple tribes thrive.

Basic Information


Most Amazons are exceptionally tall human women around 6 feet at adulthood. Most have toned athletic builds, but can also be muscular, stocky, or voluptuous. They can be born with light complexions but sun exposure from active lifestyles typically tans their skin if they aren't naturally tan or dark. Amazons are most likely to have dark hair and eye colors, but blonde and red hair can be found or blue and green eyes.   Amazons are biologically human, but some have ancestors of other humanoid males, likely via interbreeding due scarcity of breeding partners at times. As such these particular Amazons may have traits like hair color, eye color, complexion or sorcery outside the norm.  

Biological Traits

Peak Human Condition: An Amazon's body can naturally develop to the pinnacle of human conditioning. Their strength, agility, stamina exceed that of typical Hauflin species and even some Homins. Even lightly active Amazons are able to perform feats like punch an individual through a wooden door, bend thin steel bars with their bare hands, and catch-up to moving vehicles.     Reversed Sexual Dimorphism: Unlike with other human species, in Amazons the females develop more height, body mass and musculature than the males. Males of the species are smaller, the same height as hauflins, and lack the biological physical adaptations of their female counterparts.   When an Amazon gives birth, her offspring is more likely to be female than male.  


  Natural Mana Absorption: Amazons like other living things can produce magic power within themselves but less quickly than preternatural beings. To compensate, natural creatures like them mostly replenish their reserves by absorbing the the magic which is emitted passively by surrounding life forms and inanimate objects in the environment.   Combat Empowerment: Through tough training, Amazons are able to reach new levels of power, and the more intense training and fights they go through, the stronger they become. If an Amazon survives a near-death experience through extreme injury to the body, then, when the body recuperates, they grow much stronger than they were previously, their body adapting to compensate for the damage dealt, essentially increasing their power, the more they fight. The duration of recovery does not seem to hinder this ability nor does the method as healing through natural, technological or mystical means and still activates this trait.   Manaplasm Conjuration: Being humans, when Amazons channel mana from the environment into themselves, the energy generates a substance known as manaplasm. Their magic involves manipulation of manaplasm to do various things such as act as a projectile, barrier, mimic other substances, or alter preexisting magical effects.

Genetics and Reproduction

Amazons reproduce like other humans through intercourse between males and females but with a much higher inclination towards producing female offspring. When breeding with other humanoid species, they seem to be resistant to hybridization as their offspring are mostly human in appearance.

Growth Rate & Stages

An Amazon's lifespan is the same as other humans but their bodies can remain in their youth and prime much longer as they are built for battle. They can potentially stay in their physical peak until their 90's but as a warrior race many of them die in battle before than, and their expected lifespan is not all that long. Their growth otherwise is similar to other humans and they are considered to be adults anywhere from 16 to 19 depending on tribe.

Ecology and Habitats

A cosmopolitan species, Amazons can be found in a variety of terrestrial environments: Steppe and Alpine Tundra, Temperate and Boreal Forest, Tropical Jungle and Savannah

Dietary Needs and Habits

Are opportunistic omnivores like all humans but their diets edge toward foods with high protein content. This involves starchy staples like wheat, rice, various fleshy fruits and well as hunting for the meat of various animals, be they insect, bird, amphibian, reptile, or mammal.   Amazons are noted for having ravenous, and seemingly insatiable appetites. Due to their enormous strength and intense vitality, the Amazons' energy and nutritional intake requirements are a great deal higher than other humans. Amazons tend to eat large quantities of food immediately before a big fight. They do not seem to suffer the cramps that most humanoids would; in fact, it seems to improve their overall performance.   At times, their appetite can work against them and if they go too long without something to eat, they can became too weak to do much of anything.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence


Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Samurai by Yoo Soosang
Since their society consists mainly of women, their views of gender roles are the opposite of patriarchal societies, women make major decisions and take up arms and fight as warriors, while men are regarded as frail, and responsible for watching over the house and young children. Their duty is also to heal women who return exhausted from hunting or battle and mate with them to provide offspring. A portion of the males in their societies are captives of other humanoid races from either warfare or pillaging.   Families have a well defined sexual division of labor, with the woman as head of the household and leaving with the other women for big game hunting and combat training. The men are left in the domestic sphere were they do most of the gathering, child rearing, and housework. Since childcare is collective, with every baby having multiple carers, the domestic sphere is seen as an empowering place to be by the men.     The image of warrior women who live in a matriarchal society is an accurate one, but the idea that all Amazons treat their menfolk poorly is a misconception. Amazons do tend to be universally mistrusting of "outsiders", more so if they are also men -although they may treat their own just fine. The way they relate to their menfolk varies between tribes and sometimes even within them.

Relationship Ideals

Possibly due to their populations gender imbalance, lesbian and bisexual relationships are common. Heterosexual couplings are the ones that maintain the population however so the tribal chiefs have to still promote them whenever possible.   Postmarital residence tends to be matrilocal, at least initially. The males stick with their wives for life in most cases so young women moving near their mothers can enjoy childcare support from their own father and husband who continue living nearby in the same camp. Descent is traced strictly through maternal lineage.

Average Technological Level

Amazon creations and skills relate to living off the land, often using handcrafted tools made from naturally gathered materials. Most prefer to use their hands and work in groups rather than operate complex machines and tools to help perform tasks. Wooded and metal tools, weapons, baskets, snares, nets, ropes, acoustic instruments, are all made by hand and used in most tribes.   Most isolated naturalist Amazons tribes are still limited to smoke signals or carrying paper messages via birds and rely mainly on wood as fuel for cooking and hearths for metallurgy. Rural villages and any urban Amazons might install community water wheels or solar panels for electrical generators and have access to handheld or personal devices such as hand radio, cellular phones or tablet computers.

Common Dress Code

Amazons in the tropics typically wear clothing made from the leather of hunted animals, often wearing tunics, linen wraps for bras and shorts. On the hottest and most humid days, they might simply wear only loincloths on their hips or no clothing at all.   In temperate regions, Amazons have to wear more clothing made with linen, cotton or denim. They tend to wear thin dresses or tunics, girt high for speed or skirts with close fitting trousers. These clothes are then covered by leather or metallic armor during training exercises or combat.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Amazons societies the world over are focused on being able to defend themselves and become self-sufficient, thus all are raised to be warriors from childhood. The girls are kept active by being encouraged to compete in a variety of individual and team sports, before they are enlisted into the militia to be trained in combat and weapon proficiency. Also their military forces requires every women to do some service once they come of age and give them the option of serving their forces. Because of this, they possess excellent physical abilities and are proficient in the art of war.   Training among the Amazons is designed to hone any aggressive character traits for the purpose of combat and war. Their philosophy are to be people that will meet battle but do not seek it. In other areas of life, such as the home, politics, academics, and services, feelings of aggression are discouraged and seen as only for the battlefield. Members are encouraged to help each other in all walks with fighting only to be done in battles.


It is though that the Amazons ancestors were either haulfins or some other humans who had to survive in the wild due to worldwide disaster and famine. The efforts of these species to survive in Kaf's wilderness left many of the men dead or injured so their womenfolk had to pick up the slack. Soon this female group became increasingly militaristic and formalized its structure from ceremonial to a serious military. Eventually it became traditional for women to take on these roles and thus the beginning of the Amazons.   Amazon precursors were often caught between the invading forces of the Shaytan, Demons and those of Kaf empires. The weakening of Amazons led to them pleading to the various deities of Kaf for help. Their answers were heard by various martial goddesses such as Artemis, Athena, Oya, Durga, Freyja and her valkyries. They taught them the ways of warfare and combat, as well as blessing them and their female descendants with their combat focused biology to make them true Amazons.   By the end of the Ghulat Wars, climatic changes led to more frequent weather effects and natural disasters that negatively affected most life on Kaf including Amazons. Their decreasing food yields meant they had to abandon their populated areas and agriculture and had to adopt more survivalist focused lifestyle like foraging in smaller bands to survive.  
Scythian women.jpg


  Amazons survived in small bands that focus on gathering and hunting. Their populations remained small due to their large gender imbalance causing an excess of females unable to find males of their species to reproduce with. In order to prevent their extinction, Amazon tribes have acquired males of other humanoid races typically through kidnapping or conquest in order to copulate with them. The females of conquered settlements would generally be added among their military to be later conditioned to be honorary Amazons. As time went on and civilizations got more complex, their ideas clashed with the Amazons warfare lifestyle. This resulted in Amazons near most of these new civilizations developing more consensual practices of finding mates outside of the race and trading with them technological devices and natural resources.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Amazons' relationships with other species can vary on a case-by-case basis. They tend to cautious around many species but less so with humanoids due to their need of their males for reproduction. With those groups that they conquer, the women and girls of foreign captives are recruited into the ranks of an Amazons citizen. Because of this many Amazon groups also have a minority of non-human female members as well.   Historically, the Amazons would visit or invade neighboring humanoid settlements like Homins , Hauflins, or Fairies with fertile males to mate with them or any male prisoners they acquire after warfare. Occasionally this would extend to males of henge or fey species that could take in humanoid forms. In recent times, these exchanges usually involve more consent on both sides and given Amazon's access to mobile devices that better adjusts and improves their lifestyle.
Scientific Name
Homo amazoness
Mino, Askuzai, Icamiabas, Joshingun, Skjaldmaer
65 - 75 years
Average Height
180 - 224 cm (5'11" to 7'4")
Average Weight
68 - 150 kg (150 - 330 lbs)
Average Physique
Toned, Athletic, or Muscular
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by INTERFOTO / Alamy Stock Photo

Arcane Realm Homebrew


Amazons are humans where females develop to be the physically stronger and taller sex of the species than the males. Whether deep within ancient forests, roaming the wild plains, or setting sail across the open seas, amazons are known for hunting and foraging and defending their homes and their people from monsters and beasts, and living strong and often dying young in such unforgiving environs that demand wise choices and strength.
Amazon females are medium sized creatures while males are small sized creatures with 30ft walking speed.
by INTERFOTO / Alamy Stock Photo
ability score increase:
age: Amazons reach adulthood in their 18, and usually live to be over 80 years old.
Size: Medium
speed: 35 ft
Languages: Common
race features:
Rugged Build: Your people's emphasis on self-betterment and your naturally adept body causes you to be significantly stronger than most other people your size. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. You also have advantange on saving throws to end the Grappled and Restrained conditions.
Relentless Endurance: When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. Once you use this trait, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
Versatile: You gain the Skilled Talent or another Background Talent of your choice.   Combat Training: Amazons culturally are trained in the art of combat worldwide. You have proficiency in light armor, shields, simple weapons, and you have proficiency with the shortsword, blowgun, hand crossbow and warhammer.  
Amazon women stand roughly six feet to eight feet in height with strong arms and legs while males are 4 feet on average. Their hair, eyes and skin can be of colors found in nature, tending toward earth tones. Though their skin could be any shade of brown, the colors of their hair and eyes vary from greens, browns, tans, golds, and pale blues. Individual tribes tend to have similarly colored sisters and brothers, with only a few unusual individuals, and other than superficial features, they tend to appear very similar in looks and size as well.
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