World-Songs Physical / Metaphysical Law in Arc Sagas | World Anvil


" The Eternal Vigil gazed deep into the Meta-Rim, wherein the totality of the Corpus reside. Oah couldn't hear the spheres of celestial forms, pressing against the Aether in gravitational collide; nor could he feel the thrum of a living star or beating heart. Aether, in it's vast and nebulous spiral towards the Center, had become still, save for the floating detritus of flotsam cosmic debris. Oah had never known Silence before; the World-Songs had vanquished and the gardens of the Gods have been cast to Obliivion.
— an excerpt, reference to the Silent Aeon

The "Silent-Aeon" is a period of millenia in which All-Cosmos had been destroyed in an event known as the Cataclysm. The "Galaxia Loci" is the serpentine spirit that formed over countless aeons and finally engulfed everything in its path. Only ruin remained in the vastness of the Aether. Oah, once forbidden to enter the material realm, stepped down and brought stasis back to all dimensions. By destroying the terrible Loci, Oah set the All-Cosmos towards expansion once more- but it cost his Life to do so. Through the actions of the Champion, Hoqon, Oah was renewed and able to return to the Throne of Aeon, where he resides forever, listening to the World-Songs.

The World-Songs are a collection of a planet or Loci's energy and vibrations as it resonates with the All-Source. Through interpreting the World-Song, Oah can read a planet's status, as well as send impressions through those vibrations, returning prayers and favors in his name. The World-Songs are known to Oah, as he vastly scans the All-Cosmos, in search of the God's domains, where he quietly observes and listens. Other Deities and mortals can learn to understand the rhythms and timbres of the World-Song, but it is Oah who is the conductor of the "All-Cosmic Concord", a totality of music from the hearts and souls of every living or non-living entity, everywhere. Indirectly, the paths of Ley from Source energy composes a large portion of the sub-atomic structures of a World-Song.

As WAIV & Source Energy

As a unified collection of the sounds and tumult of a planet, the World-Song offers a unique experience. Through specialized decoding technology powered by WAIV Technology, we can finally form patterns and structures, a readable language of the conditions and wonders of Worlds beyond the known Cosmos.

In this way, researchers continue to piece together the riddle that will allow Pathon to join others in the Space Age of Exploration- the final frontier.

Meta-Scientists, Astrometers, and Physicists also study the World-Songs in order to understand and decode complicated variables of Life, such as form construction at cellular and molecular levels, how celestial bodies come to form or burst, and developing understanding of new principles of Alchemical Quantum Theory. All of this is done by simplifying the patterns and particles directly to Source and the Source Index- a scientific categorization of Source and the elements.

By understanding these traces of All-Source, discoveries in medicine and machine technologies have revolutionized their industries. Source, as the point and origin of magical phenomenon, is not as well-known as Meta-Scientists and others would hope.

Through analyzing the World-Songs, we begin to understand much about ourselves and our relationship to others, as it relates on an All-Cosmic level. New Worlds provide opportunities for Meta-Scientists and Meta-Physicists to become inspired in reaching for the next step in mortal evolution!


As communications technologies continued to develop and innovate industries, the discovery of the connection between WAIV and the World-Songs was brought to the attention of scientific authorities through Diviners of Oah and members of the Oahmede Council, that concur; there is a correlation to WAIV and the World-Song. As such, a WAIV can be used to not only listen and methodically structure an interpretation of Pathon's World-Song, but of other Worlds and Cosmos as well!

The collective vibrations of planets within a planetary system are known as the "World Symphony".

Through special WAIV finder technology, it is possible to glimpse clues and fragments of the Worlds beyond Pathon and the All-Cosmos bounds. Special transmissions can be received during occasions, such as the All-Year Ender Festival, when the interference between these celestial bodies has been suspended.

Guests from other worlds can be reached through subtle communications via WAIV transmissions sent over the entire year. By the time the messages are coded and recorded, they can be enjoyed and viewed or listened to.


Another way to express this anomaly is through access of the "World Arcane Interweb Vibration" or WAIV Technology. This subtle force is considered a form of World-Song, and is used to power devices all throughout the World of Pathon. This technology also spread to the other 4 planets of the Oahmede System, where regular conferences can be arranged between members of its federation.


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