Mist-Veil Lantern Item in Arc Sagas | World Anvil

Mist-Veil Lantern

... a frozen light that cuts through shadows as well as mist!

" Mystus Vere' Laomnis, otherwise known as the "Mist-Veil Lanterns, were used to illuminate the path of starlit pilgrimages and sea-bound voyages. With a brilliant gold and splendid sea-blue irridescence, the light of the Mist-Veil Lantern pierces even the densest fog or wave with a radiant aura. These lanterns provided light in the early Ice Age, scattering darkness and mist with their soft glows. Legends surrounding numerous lanterns exist amongst the Mythos Folk, but the Mist-Veil Lantern was among the first to find a common, practical use..."
~ excerpt, research notes, tools of the Mythos Folk,
Elsie Mylee Gates, Mythologist

This small blue lantern comes in various shapes and sizes, reflecting the culture or individual it originated from. The face of the lantern can be made from any kind of material that is transparent and thin. It can either be carried or held suspended by thick rope or cords. Made with sheets of fine materials, the light from within glows with a golden-blue hue. The magical light that is emitted by this lantern pierces not only the darkness, but it also renders rain, snow, or enveloping mists invisible and unseen.

Mist-Veil Lantern

The Source of the magical light comes from the enchanted bulb used in its construction. While this lantern emits no heat, it emits an aura of cool radiance, slightly lowering a room's ambient temperature. The light extends to 20 Un radius, and glows with a captivating, vibrant golden, cerulean light. The pattern is reminescent of light refracting from ocean waves. Mist-Veil Lanterns cut through the haze, providing visibility to its owner and others near the lambent aura.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Pink Ice Mist-Veil Lantern

All Mist-Veil Lanterns are constructed using "Ice". Specifically, Blue Ice creates the familiar color of the lantern, but other variants, such as Pink Ice work as effectively. By using special tools, the magical ice is infused with radiant Light Source, absorbing cold and refracting the magical light. Touch-activating the lantern only requires drawing circles upon its surface and focusing upon decreasing or increasing its ambience.
A layer of frost may develop on the interior.

Construction & Production

First, the frame is assembled; commonly, from wood, but different materials have been used. Using the chosen components, the sheets for the lantern's facets are included, carefully set during this process. Paper may be substituted, but the lantern must allow moisture to properly ventilate. An Enchanter's Sodor is used to gather light into the icy matrix.
Successfully accumulating Light Source in this way requires concentration. If the artisan isn't possessed of a natural resistance to the cold, gloves and other protective gear may be worn when handling Blue Ice for extended periods of time. This ensures the artisan avoids harmful effects of cold exposure, as well as harmful effects of Radiant Light exposure {see Radiant Sickness).
Once the Ice synthesizes with the radiant light, it glows with golden light rays. Inside, the lantern's base fixes the ice in place. Mist-Veil Lanterns may carry an additional head lamp while others include a cover or hood, for narrowing the beam of light. Each of these additions increase the range by 5 and 10 Un, respectively. Charging the lantern takes 4 hrs of cold storage or magical presence.

History & Significance

Mist-Veil Lanterns were products of the Mythos Folk, originally dating back to the Ice Age. Broa, the Mariners of the Myst Folk, used clasps attached to the top and sides, to suspend the lanterns to the front and sides of their ships. The Myth Folk used poles or hooks to hold the lanterns aloft, lighting village streets and nomad's paths. The lanterns were also attached to the bow of ships, as the Mist-Veil Lantern provided the Broa with visibility.

In the later Epochs, great towers were constructed on sturdy shorelines and coastal cliffs. Misty Towers, or the "Mystusi Rohao", were located in key locations on both the Minas Polas & Majas Polas coastlines. Tended by the Mythos Folk Clan, these large light-bearing towers were inspired by the tales from the original Mist-Veil Lanterns, which were held above the first paths, halls, and ships of the Mythos Folk.

Legends & Myths

" Of the 88th generation of Myth Folk, one child was born under a lucky star. She had been blessed with radiance, a weaver who could spin light into any thread. Whenever sunlight touched her pale skin, she glowed with grace and vitality. During dark days and nights, she embraced the Clan Folk into her arms, warmed by the glow of her smile and the pulse of her heart. She became one of the first Laomnis- Adis, "Lantern-Heralds", and was bestowed a sacred "Mist-Veil Lantern". After serving for generations, the lantern expired one fateful night as a dark storm separated her from her family. Lost, the Myth Folk witnessed a pulsing beacon. Hung above an arch in Izing'sa, "Icing Silk" sashes, discovered a new Light.
~ excerpt, research notes, tools of the Mythos Folk,
Elsie Mylee Gates, Mythologist
A story within the collective Folk Lore describes a sacred relic held by the Myth Folk, known as the Dusk-Heart Lantern; a Mist-Veil Lantern that held mystic properties. It was said to come alive at dusk, its pulsing glow radiating through the night with a soft vibrant and warm pink energy. The Blue Ice within became Pink Ice, but it was the Spirit of its' owner, Potenca of the Polna Clans, that awakened the latent magic within. She is credited with its creation, in remembrance of the gift she left behind.

Dusk-Heart Lantern

Some believe Potenca had reached her Folk Life, the point at which the Folk may become Giants, and she left it behind to serve the Myth Folk. Notable members of Myth Folk have held the Dusk-Heart Lantern. It was used on ships, where it was hung on the bow, and it was used during meetings between the Mythos Folk Clan leaders. Journeys and expeditions have all been led its' miraculous light.

Unlike Mist-Veil Lanterns, the Dusk-Heart Lantern sheds warmth as a campfire, and even those who weren't near it could see its beacon through the fog. In the morning, it made a twinkling sound as it deactivated, letting its owners know of the Time. This story led to the advancement of Misty Towers, as a means to protect those sailing at night with light from modified Mist-Veil Lanterns.

It is currently unknown where the Dusk-Heart Lantern presides. It was last believed to be one of the holy relics carried aboard the Nevrasanephr, the ancient Ark of the Mythos Folk. This vessel hasn't been seen for millenia, but the story of the Dusk-Heart, and the legacy of the Mist-Veil Lanterns continue to illuminate the path of the Mythos Folk.

Mist-Veil Lantern

Item Type
Magical Lantern


Item Category
Equipment/ Magic Lantern
Item Dimensions
  • Length: 2-3 Un
  • Width: 3-3.5 Un
  • Weight: 4Ub
Unit Reference
"Units" are measurements, defined by length, width, and weight. A whole Unit is denoted with an "Un" and represents 1 whole measured "Unit" (equivalent to the average length of a forearm). A "Micro-Unit" is denoted with a "Um" in measurements and is the size of an index finger bone. 10 Micro-Units make 1 Un. To measure weight, Unit Burden is calculated relative to the weight of an adult fist. Total Units are measured using decimals.
Artisan's Toolkit, Enchanter's Sodor, Gloves,
Blue Ice, Frame Components, Sheets ("Ice", Glass, Paper), Clasps & Fittings

Material: Blue Ice

Alchemical ID# 08-ICb
  • Hydrophobic "Ice"
  • Absorbs Cold Energy
  • Repels Aqua (Water)

Material Base Cost
TBD Casho


Rarity: Uncommon
Minas, Majas Polas
Demographic: Mythos Folk

Base Price
TBD Casho


Mist-Veil Lantern
Spell Stacks: 0/3 Slots
1 Empty Slot / 1 Empty Slot /
1 Empty Slot
Tool: Mist-Veil Lanterns require touch activation. As a move action, the owner can control the ambient levels of light, out to a maximum of 20 Un. The light renders invisible all forms of fog, mist, and haze in the area. This allows those who are within 5 Un of the Mist-Veil Lantern to perceive beyond the mists. This lantern can cancel the concealment of obscuring effects, such as spells that cause fog, misty miasmas, or gaseous clouds, but it isn't capable of removing those effects. Instead, those nearest the lantern can peer through the haze as though it weren't there. Outsiders and those beyond the light can't see into the fog, unless they are also standing near a Mist-Veil Lantern or similar effect.

Craft Rate
2 hours. Craft (Item) Proficiency:
DC 15
Attunement Proficiency:
DC 15


  • Ao & Mystendr, deities
  • Onagi & Vavaya, deities
  • Pradei & the 7 Nephrei, deities
  • Mythos Folk, sentient species
  • Giant Folk, sentient species
  • Folk Lore, document
  • Falc Idros, condition
  • Folk Crests & Flags, cultural item
  • Iceshard Compass, unique tool
  • Folk Language & Music, language
  • Mystic Oar, weapon & tool
  • Think Point, legendary weapon
  • Ice Core, magical tool
  • Mist-Veil Lantern, magical tool
  • Snow Globe, magical container
  • Chillweave Prosthetic, magical graft
  • Icing S. String Harp, m. instrument
  • Mythos Society, organization
  • Mythologian, profession
  • Alchemical "Ice",alchemical material
  • Chillweave, enchantment material
  • Icing Silk, craft material
  • Mythic Sauna Stone, craft material
  • Tundra Bottan, craft material
  • T-Bottan Studded Bedding, condition
  • Icing Orb-Weaver, species
  • Misty Mountains, location
  • Orion's Band, location
  • Broamede, vehicle
  • Boba Ert, vehicle
  • Nevrasenephr, vehicle


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Author Bio
Hello! My name is "Myth Cross"- avid enthusiast of Art, Music, Games, & Stories; also, an aspiring Author, Game Developer, & World- Builder with over 15 years dedicated to the crafts!

My mission is to push the boundaries of interactive Story-Telling! Whether exploring Hidden Realms or seeking Epic Adventures, you'll find me there! My hopes are to invite readers into a World of unforgettable experience!

"Arc Sagas" is my 1st Step towards those Goals!

I'm also the Founder of "Story-Teller's Circle"- a Discord server specialized and dedicated to a vibrant & inspiring community of self-driven WA Writers & World-Builders!! We support each other's goals and celebrate the milestones of our fellow Authors, encourage others to share their work, to seek publishing and promotional opportunities, and otherwise provide a safe, friendly environment for developing ideas & embracing your own talents! We don't boast- we Celebrate!

"Story-Teller's Circle" is dedicated to fostering the next Generation of Fantasy Writers, right here on World Anvil! Discover new worlds, unlock hidden truths, and explore the heights of your own boundless imagination- with friends!

We are looking for new members! If you're interested, just lmk below! It's my pleasure to make your acquaintance!

Best of Good Luck, World-Builders! Let's meet again! : D



Author's Notes

During World Ember 23', one of the very first Articles I wrote for it was called "Magic Lanterns", and was one of my most successful at that time. It had: Art Cover, ROW/ COL organization, and an interesting Side Bar. I decided that of all the Curios Prompts, that I'd definitely do the "Light" Prompt.

Making Magical Lanterns has been really fun! As a tool, they add an air of magic and mysticism to my setting! Most homes and vehicles are ran using Magic Lanterns! As much as I want to tell a story in a modern setting with fantastic elements, I want the technology to feel real. There isn't any better way of doing that than by using real- life examples and putting spins on them!

We truly live in a world of magic and science. If I can bring a feeling of fascination and wonder into my work, I'd be content. I hope some Magic illuminates your life today! Be well! <3


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Feb 20, 2024 21:02 by Mochi

Love this article! Captivated me from the start when you talked about how they emit coolness. I'd totally use one to light my bedroom :D

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.
Feb 20, 2024 21:08 by Myth Cross

Ikr?! So long noisy fan! Its a night light and an air conditioner all in one! : D


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