Firmament Laws/ Law of Constructs Physical / Metaphysical Law in Arc Sagas | World Anvil

Firmament Laws/ Law of Constructs

02: Law of Constructs

[quote]"I am the Construct. Of the Anima, a Dream once expressed; pronounces itself in the language of the Corpus. The Prime Material is the Source of Creation. Possessing a body, a Spirit, Two as One. Immutable, Two as One may live a Dream of All- Life. Separated only by Death, a vessel lingers in the Corpus, memorial; of the Anima, which exists Timeless, the Soul and Spirit divide, immemorial. As two ends of a pole, they are as one."| an excerpt from the "Origo Magnum Opus", a sacred text regarding the meaning of Construct & Firmament Law

A)Millenium Logic
"The Limit of the Source of Creation is the World and the Word."

B) Ao Exemplar
Proof of the process and cycle of Creation as expressed by the Sun- God, Ao

C)Two As One Ultimatum
"Masculine and Feminine are Universal, Two as One"

D)Singularity Provision
"If Two As One remains undefined, then the result is non- binary."


The Law of Constructs is considered a blue print of the Divine design. A Soul inhabits an empty vessel or body, then matures as the body matures with Age. Young children are prone to long periods of latency before developing a mature Body- Spirit relationship, blessing them with a keen sense of wonder and fascination pivotal for advanced learning, especially in matters of the Arcane. Children tend to remain relatively safe from the direct effects of most spell- like events due to the lack of connection of the Mind- Body- Spirit- Source Relationship.

In the context of the Law of Constructs, the expression of the Source as a World is the expression of the Miko Logos or the Millenium Logic, that expresses, "The Limit of the Source of Creation is the World and the Word." All that is available, in the material and of the environment, are subject to the influence of the Will. This Source can't provide something that World doesn't normally provide- unless the Caster taps into the Source of their plane of Origin. Transdimensional spells, Domimancers and Metamancers are known for their abilities to operate across the realms but they must properly attune themselves to the proper Source or risk spell failure.

The Law of Constructs speaks of the mind, body, spirit and soul as individual components interconnected. These are also the components of All- Life, but it speaks largely to the formation of others, such as cosmic bodies or stars. Included in the Origin Mythos is the birth of Ao, who descended from Oblivion as a Soul and joined the newborn sun as one entity. This is a prime example of this concept appearing in the Origin Mythos. This concept is known as the "Ao Exemplar".

The Law also speaks of the Spirit, as "Two As One". Scholars of binaural and gender studies have determined when a body is in the gestative process, gender is biologically determined, but that process is impressed upon by the Spirit. Gender is expressed biologically upon birth but the Spirit is fluid in Gender. The Spirit is "Two as One", suggesting that it exists in both states simultaneously. This is the main thought of the "Two As One Ultimatum" which relates that " Masculine and Feminine are Universal, Two as One." Presence of one doesn't indicate the absence of the other- but the Singularremains. The Ultimatum is the 3rd state, non- binary. Each state represents the Singular, which is the premise of the "Singularity Provision", that "If Two As One remains undefined, then the result is non- binary." Of genders, they are universal, components of original design.

Comprising body, spirit, and soul is the Prime Material, mentioned in the Law. For creation to occur in the Corpus, these are the primary components for Life to thrive. While the Two As One Principle explains why object spirits (those objects which possess a soul or Object Source) can choose their gender or state; this rationale extends to other non- binary entities. Alchemists and Artificiers understand this when making their own magical constructs, as the Law of Constructs declares what is required for acts of Creation.

Though Alchemists have their own understandings of the Firmament Laws, as recorded in the foundational book, "All- Chemia", the Law of Constructs is the basis for creating Homunculi, Golems, and other magical constructs. Since objects are affected by the Law of Attunements, they may develop their own Spirits.

Diviners interpreted the Law of Constructs and Law of Source as a representation of the cyclical nature of the body and mind, spirit and soul relationship's journey from Life to Death. This cycle has different names, but it is commonly referred to as the "Rebirth Cycle".





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