09: Law of Diminishments Physical / Metaphysical Law in Arc Sagas | World Anvil

09: Law of Diminishments

Of the Prime Creations, Macro and Micro, their orbits are defined by the acceleration of Time. Protective spheres and globes, filled with polarizing energies, came to Shape through the press of the Aeon. Within Micro Worlds, blocks of Source upon the Firmament. All-Life diminishes, with the great dematerialization of Death and Time, the Aether is cleansed. Diminished Worlds scatter, the Microcosm of the Word, returning to the Macrocosm of Source."
— excerpt, the "Origo Magnum Opus", sacred text regarding the meaning of Diminishments & Primal Law

A)Atoms & Particles
"Structures of potential are wrapped in the particles of Atoms and molecules."

B)Phenomenon of Magic
" "Magic" exists, it is measurable and definable; recycles to the Source."

C) Threefold Rule
"No more than 3 spells will directly bind to one Source, the 4th spell folds."

D) Shadowfold Rule of 3
"Polarizing energies, attract and repel; 6 is the shadow of 3."

E) Loci Theory of Local Spirits
"Ley Sources ebb and flow; Magic or Spirits awaken within."

E) "Inevitability of Magic Potentials"
" "Magic" returns to the Source; nothing is made permanent by Magic."


The discovery of Atoms & Particles opened new Worlds to the Diviners of the Origo Magnum Opus. Once it was understood that there are atoms and molecules, particles and cells subject to rates of Time decay, Alchemy and Science made leaps and bounds in the study of Particle Meta-Physics and their relations to the material and spiritual realms. By examining the atomic structures, observers noted that particles reacted upon observation of matter, physical and spiritual.

Scholars first address the "Phenomenon of Magic" in the Law of Diminishments. The next Law (of the Prime) relates what has been gathered in the 10 prior Laws. While Magic is explored further in the next section, it is important to note that several important factors regarding the nature of magic are addressed within the Diminishments.

It is noted that the phenomenon of magic has a quality of diminishing returns when the spells are layered. Spells overwrite the effects of other spells if they share the quality of either positive or negative affect. This is expressed in the"Threefold Rule", which states, "No more than 3 spells will directly bind to one Source, the 4th spell folds." Young enchanters learn quickly that the Aura of an individual or object can only contain the power of Source in sets of 3. The 4th Spell placed into an item removes the spell that was cast 1st in this sequence. However, the total amount of spells and states one can maintain are actually 6.

The adverse of this observation is the "Shadowfold Rule of 3". It observes that 6 total magical conditions can affect a person or object at any one moment- 3 positive, 3 negative effects. Applying any more spells than that causes the prior effects to dissipate and overwrite. The magic that was infused returns as Source to the Origin.

Spells may have certain qualities that effect their position on the stack, making them easier or more difficult to remove. Some spells can be bound to a subject, making them irremovable by placing this method, known as "Spell-Stacking". These spells have to be removed by other means, such as with Dispel Magic. Curses are spell- effects known for their obstinance when it comes to removal. Other spells of positive and negative qualities may cancel each other when applied to the same subject. The relationship of magic, to interact with itself, has been the subject of discussion and debate amongst Arcane Theorists and Meta-Physicists.

It is understood that "magic" isn't permanent as a phenomenon. Ley Sources that inhabit the land may leave a trace of their presence behind in the form of a Loci or a Biome. While the "Loci Theory of Local Spirits" is the generally accepted reason for events such as magical locales and biomes found through Pathon, it is also understood that some of those locales become are temporary or lost over time, as magic that permeates eventually vanishes. "Immortals", such as Elves, have described a beloved enchanted item losing its value after the enchantment diminishes, for example.

Many effects are purely on scales of time that seem permanent by mortal standards. "Immortals", however, understand that magic inevitably loses its potency, which is proven in prior Laws which state that all things "return to the Source." This is known as the "Inevitability of Magic Potentials", which states that "Magic" returns to the Source; nothing is made permanent by Magic."




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