Bellingham Settlement in Arborterra | World Anvil
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Situated north of Quinton is the halfling village of Bellingham. This quaint settlement is a patchwork of lush, meticulously cared-for gardens and the charming halfling burrows that seem to sprout from the earth itself. Bellingham thrives on the cultivation and trade of two of the forest's most cherished commodities: tea and tobacco leaf. The halflings here are renowned for their skill in nurturing these crops, coaxing them to flourish in the dappled sunlight that filters through the forest canopy.   The village is a haven of tranquility and rustic beauty, with cobblestone paths winding through verdant fields and past homes with smoke curling lazily from chimneys. The air is rich with the fragrant aroma of drying tobacco leaves and the fresh, invigorating scent of herbal teas.   Central to the village's communal life is the Green, a grassy expanse where markets are held, tales are shared, and the yearly Lunar Festival brings together halflings from all around to celebrate their fortune.   Bellingham's teas are a sought-after treasure, boasting a variety of blends that range from the soothing and herbal to the brisk and invigorating. Each family has its own secret recipes, passed down through generations, contributing to the village's wide array of unique flavors. The tobacco, equally prized, is expertly cured and blended, offering a range of experiences for connoisseurs far and wide.   Despite the encroaching darkness of the World Forest, the spirit of Bellingham remains undimmed. The halflings have adapted to the challenges of their home, learning the rhythms of the forest and how to coexist with its more benign creatures. Their village is a beacon of light and warmth in the shadow of the trees, a testament to their resilience and ingenuity.   Travelers who stumble upon Bellingham are welcomed with open arms, invited to share in the pleasures of halfling hospitality, and to partake in the simple joys of their specialties, the heart of this village's trade and tradition.
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