Session 0: World Development and Character Background Report Report in Arabeth | World Anvil

Session 0: World Development and Character Background Report

General Summary

Character Backgrounds

*we ALL followed the little Yellow Bird*  
Thoradin son of Thorlum
From Balheim. Pirates attacked the ship his aunt was on. Braer Agostu helped save his sister, becomes friends. Braer's ship is years later later attacked by pirates on a 3 masted ship with blood red sails. Thoradin vows revence. Captain Paulos asked Thoradin to help him on Letter of Marque day. Letters from dwarven King Toragrim. Thoradin joined the crew of the Wild Weasel to become a privateer for the Dwarven king. Thoradin was hunting for the pirate haven. Eventually they find the ship with the red sails. Thoradin kills thepirate captain and takes back his friend's ring from the priate captain.
In the fallen lands at Frostgrave, Gareth , the wizard, showed Rashid that he had 'the touch' and gave Rashid his spellbook
Lived on the outskirts of New Heron. Tried to pass as half elf. But is Aasimar. At age of 15, Arabeth , the goddess, called Cernan to protect her and be a paladin. He saved her from a goblin that would have killed her. Became a paladin. Last 10 years, keeping New Haven and trade routes safe. Is a folkhero to people of the area, protecting the old city from the hobgoblins. He's a bit reclusive. He's the only one he knows who worships Arabeth. He gets the feeling she's ancient, yet may be a baby. A dream: standing in sandstorm. Black sand all around. Sorrowful memory from Arabeth.
Stormy Smoking Mountain
Helped Mother Wolf protect her pups from a deadly viper. One of the pups helped Stormy know she’d be a ranger.
Half Tabaxi Shifter. She grew up in a poor area of Alador. Not good at theiving. Her family is unlucky and cound't fee her. They encouraged her to fine her own way. She ended up on the Wild Weasel for 5 years.



In our world there was a great tree - like a banyan tree. HUGE. Was destroyed. we don't know how or why.   Evils from outside our world are leaking in. Bad things are happening. Countries fell. The fallen lands are scary. Just on the border, they are being able to have a bit of civilization again.   Main city: Alador in the kingdom of the same name.   ---   Created a rough map with various names, histories, and races that live there. (Amy can't remember it all right now - we can fill in as needed.)



Fill in your character info for the last ten years, now that we have a start.
Tinker with WA and see if it might work for us. (Write up session report and see how character creation works from the RPG side).
Create a better version of the world map
Mike C
Create/define the dwarven city/area
Name/define the place we'll start the campaign
Create your character


Report Date
13 Feb 2022
Primary Location
Related Characters


Session Reports


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