Yaana Tal’Nelde Settlement in Ara | World Anvil
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Yaana Tal’Nelde

The lost elven city is a now crumbling ruin whose remains hints at its former beauty and grandeur. Twisted nature has almost full reclaimed this once great civilisation leaving few clues as to what led to its downfall. At its centre lies the Temple of the Triple Goddess that represents the three aspects of the Angharradh: Aerdrie Faenya, Hanali Celanil, and Sehanine Moonbow. Its hidden depths conceal a dark secret that threaten to be set loose upin the world once more.

Many years ago, a brave contingent of sun elves from Tal'Anar were sent to discover the fate of this lost city and its people, only to themselves go missing. Their remains can be found in various locations throughout the city.

Some spirits of the city’s last denizens still linger, though their fall from greatness has driven some quite mad. In the years subsequent to its fall, other creatures have moved into the city’s ruins, including a medusa that now lairs within the temple, its presence attracting various serpents. Stone statues of trespassers, turned to stone by the medusa’s gaze, have been artfully arranged around the temple and offer a clue to its presence.

It is in this city that the Shrine of Jubilex is located.

The only remaining inhabitants of this ruined city are the undead. This included Phaedra, a banshee who haunts the ruin of an elven mansion within the lost city of Yaana Tal’Nelde. She was the last ruler of this place, whose people had descended into madness after Juiblex’s influence started to leak out from beneath the earth. As her civilisation fell apart, Phaedra locked herself within her mansion and slowly starved to death. Her deathly wail is responsible for the deaths of some of the sun elves sent to investigate what happened here. Banshees are incredibly vain and love to receive beautiful gifts, but they despise mirrors.

Update: After the party looted some of the elven treasures that used to belong to her and then attempted to bribe her with them, she attacked and was eventually destroyed. The players collected the golden armour from Phaedra’s victims and later returned them to Palaneus Mal’Salma.

-550 AR

Alternative Name(s)
The Temple City of the Three
Related Ethnicities
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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