Leith’Missien Ethnicity in Ara | World Anvil
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The Leith’Missien were one of the Three Tribes, the three major Elven tribes that remained in Aguna following the fall of the Upper Kingdom of Akhret.

They are a lost tribe of Elves, literally meaning 'The Missing People'. Their major stronghold was the city of Yaana Tal’Nelde in modern Costa Nera, Milagon.   Over a hundred years ago, A search party was sent to look for Leith’Missien and their city, but none ever returned. Elves now refuse to travel in the area as they view that land as surely now cursed.   Yaana Tal’Nelde and the people that were the Leith’Missien lived in a once lush, green forest. However, the city guarded a dark secret. The putridity of the Shrine of Jubilex gradually seeped into the land around it, leading to the decline of the protective magics and the civilisation itself.
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