The Obfuscati Organization in Ara | World Anvil
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The Obfuscati

While their primary purpose is the worship of Oloch, the Obfuscati are in charge of regulating all religious worship in Alagria, and are headed by the Primus Obscurus (also called, the Primus). In addition to running the Obfuscati, the Primus also sits on the Council of 3 Disciplines, representing the interests of the Obfuscati within Barada and further afield.


The current Primus is (Enigmatic) Zala Laghmani (Fallen Aasimar, F).


Relationship to the Obliviati


The Obliviati in their current iteration are believed to have started life as a secretive splinter group within the Obfuscati and has quietly grown in strength within the shadowy domain of the Obscurium al-Oloq. Once it had become established their message has slowly spread across Ara and their network is now far grander than their Baradan origins. At this time, the Obliviati have taken over the majority of the Obfuscati's operations, and the Primus is a loyal convert to Kek.




When the Obfuscati were first founded, Oloch provided his worshipers with secret techniques through which they could learn the abilities of blindsight. It is said that Oloch prefers to take a hands-off approach to his worshippers and therefore preferred to teach them the secrets rather than to provide the gift to followers individually.


The lowest level initiates of the Obfuscati (Caligos) wear ceremonial, translucent veils while they are in training. Upon becoming a Penumbra, the faithful have attained a degree of blindsight that only strengthens over time. To demonstrate their ability, the Obfuscati of rank Penumbra and above switch their veils for blindfolds and curtained hoods bearing the Ochi Olochi.


The hierarchy of the Obfuscati is as follows:

  • Primus Obscurus (First Darkness)
  • Secundus (The Second)
  • Eclipse
  • Umbra (Shadow)
  • Penumbra (Second Shadow)
  • Caligo (Gloom)
Primus Obscurus: (Enigmatic) Zala Laghmani
Parent Organization


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