Oloch Character in Ara | World Anvil
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Oloch is the Aran god of darkness, night and the dead.   He is often associated as an evil deity, but this is not universal.   Oloch was a main protagonist in the The War of the Energies, believe that darkness should reign over the light of Belnias.   As a major evil deity, some associate him with the hells and/or the Abyss. This is something that his followers deny, and that his interests focus more on the dead and undead, and that beings taken by the Hells are a theft from him.   The more devoted of Oloch's followers eschew the light of Belnias, wearing shades, dark clothing and veils, such as the Knights of Hw. Zerath.   Oloch's followers have also devised a system of writing that is read by touch rather than sight, allowing study in the dark. It is written using a stylus on the reverse of the page. It is thought this may be one of the reasons for Alagrian  writing to the written from left to right.

Divine Domains

Oloch's domain include darkness, night and the dead. He is the keeper of the dead and controls the dead. Whilst others may gain the 'soul' of beings (based on their beliefs and life choices), Oloch is owed their 'animus'. This is what activates the undead. He is viewed as the true owner of the undead - he feels the should exist only at his behest - other undead creations he views as thefts.   In some regions, fear of the dark lead believers and followers to associate Oloch with evil. However, in some regions, particularly areas where the sun is relentlessly powerful - such as Alagria, Oloch is associated with safety and security. In these regions, he replaces Gobnin as the deity of the home. Similarly in these areas, celebrations occur at night, so he is associated with parties and feasting.   In all interpretations, Oloch is associated with the hidden, stealth, codes, invisibility and obfuscation. Some assassins choose him as a patron with stealth and death being important.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Oloch is associated with dark colours, particularly blacks and purples. His major emblem is a lone, yellow eye. This is often worn by followers to ward off threats. This is sometimes called the Ochi Olochi.   Oloch is usually shown as an older man, with yellow eyes and almost always hooded.  

Other Depictions of Oloch

Divine Classification
Aligned Organization
Divine Symbols  


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