Hallow Rank/Title in Ara | World Anvil
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The Hallows of Ara are saints of various deities. They are many and multitudinous, ranging in recognition from regional to international level. A Paladin, Cleric or cult may choose a Hallow through which they access their given deity. This is usually done to magnify a particular aspect of a deity that Hallow typified and the individual or organisation associate with.   Many Hallows have relics associated with them, often which are powerful magic items   Hallows, or the Temples they inspire, are then often the inspiration for place names or names of people. The Common abbreviation for Hallow is Hw. This is usually pronounced 'How' or 'Huw' (depending on regional variation).  

List of Significant Hallows and associated deities

Hallow's Name Homeland Relic Associated Temples Associated Deity
Hw. Brunhilde Ebrion  The Boots of Brunhilde Cathedral of Hw. Brunhilde Arawn
Hw. Zerath Alagria  Zerath's Seed of Darkness Oloch
Hw. Petras The Petrassian Lamp Belnias
Hw. Chetto Milagon  The Dragonsbane Sword The Chettoria Gobnin
Hw. Druphilla Druphilla's Lash Hw. Druphilla's Mercannan
Hw. Beris Ebrion  The Spade Hw. Beris-in-the-Swamp Brigantia


Hallows are identified by Churches or cults. Churches that revere the same deities may choose to recognise, or not, the Hallows beatified by other sects. In order to qualify, an individual must have at least one miracle and/or sacrifice attributed to them.   Some exceptional Hallows are hallowed by the deities directly. These are the most internationally recognised Hallows.
Religious, Beatified
Source of Authority
The Gods
Length of Term
Related Organizations


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