Arawn Character in Ara | World Anvil
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Arawn is the Goddess of Balance and justice. She is also the Aran psychopomp, the connection between the living and the dead.   She was the last of the true deities to appear, created at the end of the The War of the Energies. Some believe she was a mortal elevated to the position.   Arawn, in her desire to maintain the Balance, takes a special interest in the prophesied Thanes of Order, which is why she has sent both her cleric, Helda and Karu to be members.   Arawn is greatly revered by her followers, who believe that she is the ultimate arbiter of justice. They believe that she will always ensure that the scales are balanced, and that everyone gets what they deserve. They also believe that she is a compassionate guide to those who have passed on, helping them to find peace and closure on the journey to their ultimate destination.

Divine Domains

Interpretation of Arawn's beliefs and role vary greatly across Ara. It is generally agreed she is the goddess of Balance, Justice, Law, Decision-Makers, The Passage between Life and Death and liminal areas.   The passage between life and death has also associated Arawn with fate, and with linear time - a lifespan of growth and changes in a individual (as opposed to the cyclical time of Belnias with the repeating of days and seasons).   In Ebrion, Arawn is a very important deity. She presides over graveyards, cemeteries, maternity wards and law courts. In Dolon, there is a large Cathedral to her in the form of the Cathedral of Hw. Brunhilde.   In Mitzu, a major cult to her is The Ashen Knights. Their belief focuses on the the role of Arawn as the psychopomp. Their mission is derived from the belief that life and death are sacred and that one must have respect for both. Those who give or take life where it should not be are dealt with extreme prejudice. As such, they find undead anathema and seek to destroy them.   In Milagon, the Arbiters of Milagon are followers of Arawn, or Arana/e as she is known there. There is no main temple to her, but her presence is felt in the Court of Faces and the cemetary, Il Grande Postoletto. The main focus of the Arbiters is on the Lawful nature of the deity. Laws are deemed absolute and vital. They are judges in the eyes of the law, but also can be ultimate judges of life and death. Refusal to participate in justice is deemed admission of guilt.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Arawn's major symbol is the Balance Scales. She is also to be found in liminal zones, so doors and door-frames are sometimes used to represent her. Due to their preponderance for standing in doorways, worshipers in Alagria believe cats, particularly black and white cats, are emissaries of Arawn.   Her connection to fate and linear time also associates her with the hourglass - time is limited and running in one direction.   She has also been associated with the Crook and Scythe - in her role as the shepherd of fate and the culler of the herd.  

The Darkest Timeline

During the events of the Darkest Timeline, which culminated in the destruction of Balance, Arawn was witnessed by Gamble to be severely weakened by the emergent chaos. It was also discovered through various sources that Arawn secretly holds within her the calficied remains of Kek's mind, an artefact called The Spawning Stone for its role in the The Creation of the Races. During her visions of Arawn, Gamble witnessed the deity holding her side as if in pain, and it is theorised that the Spawning Stone may have been the cause due to its resonance with the forces of Kaos.  

Other depictions of Arawn

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Balance and order in all things
The maintenance of the status quo
Divine Classification
Ruled Locations
Divine Symbol  


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