Commotus Ruin Character in Ara | World Anvil
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Commotus Ruin

Ender Commotus Ruin

Ender Ruin was once a destitute young man who scraped a living in the industrials slums that surround the base of Mount Nidofuoco in eastern Paragan. Weak from hunger and sick from chemical fumes, the Obliviati offered him food and shelter. As he recovered, he learnt about a divine being the Doomsayers dubbed ‘Eradicus’ who it was foretold would one day return to Ara and cleanse the world of the unkind and the unworthy so that it might be made anew. Captivated by this message of hope and rebirth, Commotus took on the holy vows of priesthood. His burgeoning faith has slowly transformed him, somewhat without his knowledge, into a fairly powerful cleric.

Ender Ruin is a young and impressionable Milagonian who has unwittingly fallen in with a bad crowd and become brainwashed by their ideals. However, he is not irredeemable. If the party befriend him and treat him kindly, there is a possibility that the Obliviati’s shallow ideals and lack of mercy will open his eyes to their true nature. Ruin is unaware of Clavis’ secret machinations and has no knowledge of what lies beyond the Precipice.

As a mid-ranking, but ultimately expendable, member of the Doomsayers, Clavis Interitus sent Ender Ruin to parlay with the Thanes and act as an intermediary and messenger between the two groups. Clavis has filled Ender Ruin’s mind with convincing falsehoods about the Thanes, making them out to be set on persecuting the Doomsayers through violence, intimidation, abduction and even murder.

Before meeting the Thanes of Order, his aim was to rescue the forgotten people of Milagon and pay forward the kindness and charity that was shown to him by the Doomsayers. To share the message of hope and a better, fairer tomorrow that he believes epitomises the dogma of Eradicus.

Ender Ruin met with the party and offered to return the Ring of Storms in exchange for any knowledge of a group of Doomsayers who have gone missing. At the time, the party were completely unaware of this situation and gratefully told him everything they knew, which amounted to exactly nothing. The party were initially wary of Ruin, but stopped short of outright hostility (though Karnak only just managed to contain herself). As they learned more about him, they passed him off as a fundamentalist and made no effort to argue with him or try to rescue him from the Obliviati. As they grew more comfortable in his presence, they transitioned to more snide remarks at the expense of his beliefs. Ruin took this in his stride and turned the other cheek, but their behaviour did confirm his acquired biases of their group.

Ender Ruin escorted the party to the Doomsayer’s temple fledgling temple, Il Precipizio, which was still under construction by several blank-eyed stone giants who had spent too long on the surface world and begun to lose their distinction between dreams and reality. Under his supervision and using their newly acquired knighthoods, they performed a perfunctory inspection of the temple, but found only a depleted arcane crystal amongst the rubble. When Jed announced that he could detect a planar portal behind the temple’s altar, Ruin was filled with joy at the prospect that this might be a sign of Eradicus’ return. Believing that an illusory altar concealed more than the Doomsayers were letting on, Jed sent his gazer familiar through the altar, only for it to collide with a stone wall. Ender Ruin was shocked and disgusted by their sacrilege and asked them to leave at once.

Ender Ruin was present at the second failed parlay between the party and the Obliviati, but his disposition was much curter and more formal than before. As battle ensued and he was attacked, Ender Ruin inadvertently activated restorative glyphs with his own blood, reversing the Flesh to Stone spell that had been cast on two red slaad. He is dragged away from the carnage by Sgradito and eventually finds himself within the volcanic chamber where he finds a Glabrezu demon and a clockwork dragon being constructed, Although many secrets are revealed to him that would otherwise reveal the Obliviati’s evil intentions, Ruin can think only of the violence he has witnessed and the party of adventurers who seek to destroy everything he knows. In this battle, his prayers unlock his true cleric abilities and he attempts to protect and heal his Obliviati comrades. He is eventually slain by being pushed into lava.
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