Karnak Character in Ara | World Anvil
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Karnak Ironbone (a.k.a. Storm-Hammer)

Born to a Human mother and Orc father, Karnak learned early on in life that many doors would always be closed to her. She was raised in her early years by her sickly mother. But she never fit in with the local Human children in her hometown of Hogsback. When Karnak’s mother died when she was just five years old, she fell in with a gang of local street urchins and proved her worth as a talented scrapper and defender of the gang’s territory. This was her life for the next decade or so, fighting, scrounging and scraping a living in the city streets.   Karnak has spent the last three years wandering from place to place, hiring her services out as a mercenary. Her cover story is that she was fired from the local town guard in Hogsback, but she is always looking over her shoulder, afraid that the past will one day catch up with her.  

Career with The Copper Knuckles

  As Karnak reached maturity, her street urchin gang had morphed into it’s own powerful criminal organisation, with fingers in many pies across the city and beyond, known by all as The The Copper Knuckles. Karnak continued to do their work as bodyguard, bouncer and general brawler for them. But as good as she was at beating people up, she never lost the powerful sense of right and wrong that she had gained from her unfair years on the streets. She never beat up anyone who couldn't defend themselves, and tried not to kill people who didn't deserve it. During her time working for The Copper Knuckles Karnak developed a peculiar friendship with a town guard named Irena Arbuckle. Karnak found herself repeatedly crossing Irena’s path in pursuit of her less-than-lawful activities in the town, and somehow rather than a rivalry, a friendship developed between them.   One day she was given an assignment to go and rough up a client who owed the syndicate money. Upon arriving there however she found the client to a poor old man who helped to care for local street urchins, just like she had once been. Knowing that she could not go back on her orders, but unwilling to finish the deed, Karnak fled the city, and the reach of her former shadowy companions.   Unfortunately this friendship proved to be Karnak’s undoing. A raid on one of The Copper Knuckles’s strongholds by the local guards turned out to be a trap and Irena and several of her fellow guards were captured. Lispeth Le Clerk, the shadowy and ruthless leader of The Copper Knuckles, decided to put the guards to death as a message to the local law enforcement not to meddle in their criminal activities. Karnak begged with Lispeth to spare the guard’s lives, as she did not want to see her friend Irena die. Lispeth agreed to Karnak’s pleas but only on the condition that Karnak would make the move from bodyguard and bruiser to paid killer for The Copper Knuckles, for a period of five years. Begrudgingly, Karnak accepted.   This series of events precipitated in Karnak realising that although she had been happy for a time in Hogsback, it was now no place for someone with a moral centre. Her first whack job assignment was to go and ‘teach a lesson’ to a client who owed The Copper Knuckles money, quite a serious sum of money. Upon arriving there however she found the client to be a poor old man who helped to care for local street urchins, just like she had once been. Knowing that she could not go back on her orders, but unwilling to finish the deed, Karnak fled the city.

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma

Surprisingly resiliant
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
1509 PR 25 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

People from Karnaks past

People from Karnak's past age would be on the lookout for...   Haldor Hawk, a human Male and her best friend throughout her childhood and into adulthood. The two of them looked out for each other on the streets, sharring their food and protecting one another from bullies. The two of them ended up working for The Syndicate together, she as a bouncer/bruiser and he as a sneak thief. When Karnak turned her back on the Syndicate and decided to run, Haldor was the only one who supported her. He told her that he would cover for her and give her enough time to get out of the city. The two of them have not heard from each other since.   Big Barold Halfling Male. Leader of The Syndicate. As a child he was always a beefy and well fed child, able to scrap and fight with children even twice his size for dominance. Even Karnak avoided fighting with him, because when they did fight, although she won it was a close run thing. After many years Big Barold surroundednhimself with many loyal and muscular followers and enforced his will with an iron fist. He became greedy and capricious, only focused on his own enrichment and security. Paranoid and suspicious of everyone except Olivia Oldfarthing.   Olivia Oldfarthing. Elven Female and brains of The Syndicate. While Big Barold bullied and bruised his way around, Olivia was using more subtle means to infiltrate city institutions, bribing, and blackmailing their way into power. Her magical abilities always made her a figure to be feared and respected in Karnak's eyes.
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