Sgradito Character in Ara | World Anvil
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Nuathyth dell’Orso (a.k.a. Sgradito)

Sgradito’s true name is Nuathyth dell’Orso and his is the rightful heir to the ducal region of Bosco in central Milagon. His father was Adelmo dell’Orso, eldest son of the current Duchess Olendra dell'Orso, but his mother was a wood elf and the daughter of the tribe’s elder. He was born as the result of a secret romance between the two that ended in tragedy after the Duchess discovered their secret union and sent loyal knights to slay the child’s mother, who she believed to be an elven seductress. Adelmo attempted to defend his true love, but was overwhelmed and the couple died in each other’s arms. When both lay dead, the knights discovered that the couple had produced a Half-Elf baby, who they took back to the Duchess. Enraged at the loss of her eldest son and horrified that this creature was now officially her heir, Olendra had the child locked away where it grew into a babbling, half mad creature wrapped in rags who she dubbed ‘Sgradito’ meaning ‘unwelcome’. Under most circumstances would have remained imprisoned for the rest of his days.

However, this story took a bizarre twist when Sgradito reached puberty. Within the elven half of his bloodline lay a semi-dormant connection to the chaotic magics of the Feywild. This wild magic began to manifest itself and Sgradito was able to his focus his muddled mind sufficiently to harness this sorcerous energy and escape. Destitute and completely unfamiliar to the outside world, Sgradito was taken in by the Obliviati who increasingly targeted vagabonds and transients as a means of had recruiting a loyal and fanatical following. His sorcerous abilities were quickly noticed by Clavis Interitus who began the slow process of educating the boy, whilst simultaneously trying to uncloud his mind, in the hopes of harnessing his potential. After achieving some progress, Clavis also began to magically experiment on Sgradito, resulting in both a heightening of the boy’s arcane power and the unusual development of a permanent magical sight, resembling a combination of detect magic and see invisibility, as well as the Alert feat. As a result, Sgradito is now one of Clavis’ most prized lieutenants.

  Sgradito accompanied Clavis Interitus to the Temple of the Triple Goddess. His magical sight allowed the Obliviati to avoid most of the magical traps and pitfalls, as well as revealing several hidden paths that has been disguised using illusory magic. During the battle with the party in the Shrine of Jubilex, Sgradito frustrated the party by using subtle spell metamagic to seemingly produce magical effects out of nothing and cancel out some of their own magical offence using Counterspell. His magical sight also allowed him to spot the powerful magical artefacts the party carried with them. Using telekinesis, the sorcerer was able to wrench the Ring of Obfuscation from Jed’s finger before Clavis Interitus called him back and they teleported away.

Sgradito battled the party again within the Obliviati temple known as Il Precipizio and then later again within a volcanic chamber inside Mount Nidofuoco. He was eventually slain by falling into lava. The party did not uncover his tragic past.

Personality Characteristics


His main motives are unclear due to his madness, though Sgradito is unfalteringly loyal to Clavis Interitus.
Year of Death
1534 PR
Circumstances of Death
Fell into lava
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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