Jed Kingsdown Character in Ara | World Anvil
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Jed Kingsdown

Sir Jedrington Kingsdown

From a very early age Jed seemed touched by the mysterious unspoken curse that is said to blight the family. He preferred darkness to light and would often sit indoors with the blinds drawn. He seldom associated with his peers unless forced to – he regarded the well behaved as disgustingly sanctimonious and the poorly behaved as myopically undisciplined. Jed was often found in the house library, always drawn to books that contained blasphemy, carnage or perversion; His tutors were horrified by his detailed knowledge of torture methods, military atrocities and particularly filthy noble scandals. His parents, however, were much more understanding. Instead of punishing their son for his morbid interests they impressed on him the importance of following the law; As he grew older and developed more adult interests, both spoke obliquely of just how permissible aristocratic society was, as long as the letter of the law was adhered to.   Jed reached his majority with a firm belief that the opportunities to feed his various appetites came only from the civilisation that defined him as Noble. He could see how other children of the nobility wasted or squandered their families prestige and power, undermining their privilege at the source. Where others might have revolted at their duties as a debtborn, he welcomed the opportunity to serve an honourable purpose. Jed regards himself as a paragon of civilisation, someone who is prepared to commit any act to guarantee that tomorrow there might be strong drink, clean whores and a bath.   When his destiny came to find him, Jed was ready. Barja, the old Bloodhunter who arrived to claim the Debtborn, was surprised and disquieted by Jed’s enthusiasm. Jed badgered the half-orc endlessly as they headed to the coast, trying to discover more about the ancient Crimson Order his families ancient debt required him to join. He insisted on having Barja help him with training in rapier and crossbow, despite his flimsy build and weak constitution. Barja, who had drunk the Hunter’s Bane to seek vengeance for his family, obliged the young oik whom he fully expected to die.   He didn’t. In the courtyard of the Crimson Keep, an old coastal fortress the Kingsdown’s had gifted to the Order long ago, Jed was the only surviving aspirant from the three that had consumed the toxic draught. Where the others collapsed and writhed, Jed giggled and thrived. When the eldritch fumes of the blood magic rite cleared, the gathered witnesses of the Crimson Order saw Jed standing amongst the twisted wreckage of his fellow initiates. His body was no longer frail but wiry and strong; his hands no longer shook but instead were flickering with sparks along his blackened veins. Waving goodbye to his shocked compatriots, Jed headed back to Kelador, thinking his destiny fulfilled. But the debt owed to the Bloodhunters was for the loosening of a much older bond; As his body tingled with blood magic it woke the interest of a far more ancient debtor…   Jed bears the Kingsdown Coat of Arms, but with an abatement of a red crimson moon.  

  Publically, this is due to the fact he inherits the name of Kingsdown through his mother. Truly, it makes him as the Debtborn of the House.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As with many nobles, Jed Kingsdown’s story truly begins somewhat before his birth. He was born into a junior branch of the Kingsdowns, an family of ancient pedigree and subtle influence. His mother, Lady Marsiya, was one of the younger sisters of Lord Baern Kingsdown himself. Lord Baern ordered his sister to marry after a life of active spinsterhood in order to give birth to a Debtborn – a child born to meet an aristocratic obligation according to very ancient tradition. Lord Baern did not wish one of his own offspring to be claimed by the unnamed duty and therefore compelled his sister to marry one of his political allies, Sir Teyrn of a very lesser house. Despite the circumstances of the marriage Marsiya and Teyrn found themselves caring deeply for each other, and despite what some might call incompatible personal preferences Marsiya gave birth to Jed.   When Jed was introduced to Lord Baern as an ugly, weak child, his uncle was simultaneously disappointed and gratified; Jed would win no acclaim for the house, but neither would a better scion be wasted on an old, barely understood debt. But despite Lord Baern’s contempt, Marsiya and Teyrn loved and cared for their son. While being able to afford good tutors and nurses they made every effort in their busy lives to raise and instruct Jed personally.   Whilst in Daenor , Jed found himself called to by an ancient, forgotten tome. Following the dark voices, he discovered the Book of Many Faces . Opening it branded him with the invisible Mark of Zuggerboth , who became his dark patron.

Gender Identity



Broad, depraved and significant


Jed was educated at Alforth College in Kelador


Jed is a Debtborn member of the Crimson Order and is thus destined to be a Bloodhunter.   By destiny, Jed is a member of the Thanes of Order



Personality Characteristics




Marsiya Kingsdown


Towards Jed Kingsdown


Jed Kingsdown


Towards Marsiya Kingsdown


Teyrn Kingsdown


Towards Jed Kingsdown


Jed Kingsdown


Towards Teyrn Kingsdown


Lawful Evil
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Debtborn of House Kingsdown
1508 PR 1535 PR 27 years old
Circumstances of Death
Consumed by a giant ooblek deity that he was forced to use in order to aid in the destruction of an Obliviati weapon in Milagon
Long, raven black, sleek
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Exceptionally pale
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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