Atroz Character in Ara | World Anvil
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Atroz , the Unstoppable

Atroz is a savage warrior for the Obliviati, transformed into a hulking minotaur paladin through a dark oath of conquest sworn in the name of the a demon lord. He came to Clavis Interitus’ attention through demonic connections and the dark wizard has promised to aid Atroz in releasing his patron from the Abyss in return for his services as a fighter, bodyguard and conqueror. Due his demonic transformation, Atroz speaks fluent Abyssal, but he now struggles with the Common Tongue.   As a
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13th level
paladin of conquest, Atroz is not only immune to fear but able to instil an unnerving sense of dread in creatures within his sight. His semi-demonic presence radiates a crushing aura that causes fearful creatures to lose their mobility and suffer mental anguish. Atroz prefers to make use of his great strength by wielding heavy, two-handed weapons. As such, he does not favour shields, instead wearing a suit of half plate.

Atroz accompanied Clavis Interitus to the Temple of the Triple Goddess, protecting him from physical threats. During the battle with the party in the Shrine of Jubilex, Atroz cut off Karnak’s arm with his greataxe and left her for dead. He took the severed limb as a trophy and as a result, the Obliviati captured the Ring of the Storm that was still on her finger.

  Through the use of scrying, Karu witnessed Atroz fighting and defeating a gnoll warlord for control of the warband. In the same vision, he also witnessed Atroz consuming the flesh from Karnak’s severed forearm (minus the hand), whereupon the minotaur absorbed some of Karnak’s strength. This was a visualisation of Atroz multiclassing into Barbarian.

Atroz lead the initial onslaught against Paragan’s city walls. His forces caused significant casualties, but are ultimately repelled and Atroz himself is slain by Gamble via decapitation.

Personality Characteristics


To uphold the tenets of his oath of conquest by dousing the flames of hope, ruling with an iron fist and showing strength above all. To conquer the gnoll tribes that scourge the eastern border between Milagon and Alagria and bring them under the Obliviati banner for the siege of Paragan. Eventually, Atroz hopes to free his demonic patron from the Abyss so that his dark master can savage the world of men.
Year of Death
1533 PR
Aligned Organization


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