Oprus Security Robot Technology / Science in Aquila Palaxis | World Anvil

Oprus Security Robot

Known otherwise as the "Zweihander" Security Robot
  This robot is an aerial machine, designed by BladeTemple Industries as both a reference to the old game "Shattered Soldier" and as a general upgrade to the Observer-class Security Robot line on Fujioka, the Zweihander not only incorporates a major firepower upgrade by trading meek Pulsecaster for three new weapons (Destabilizing Laser x2, Sweeping Laser and Mortar), but also by having constant additional firepower support in form of Auxiliary Units, which are equipped with Incendiary Cannon and rotary-type Rapid Cannon.   In manual operation mode, Zweihander requires three operators to make maximal use of its capabilities, but it's also entirely capable of operating in autonomous mode.   Originally, Zweihanders were planned to be deployed on Fujioka to fully replace current contingent of Observer-class secbots, but Uprising kind of a put a hard stop to that. Nevertheless, they were still put on the market and found new buyers.   Under normal conditions, both the main body of the robot and Auxiliary Units are stored in an enclosed container with inert atmosphere inside. When activated, the main body is deployed from charging cradle first, followed by Auxiliary Units.   Much as with other BladeTemple designs, there is a significant portion of folk that believe it to be base on alien schematics, but, given the source is stated as being from an older vidgame, this seems unlikely.