Kyber Krystal Material in Aquatica Homebrew | World Anvil
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Kyber Krystal

Written by Pookas Kreations

Kyberian Orrick discovered a new use for orichulum, he figured out how to make clear sky stones that can be used for focusing, and amplifying lasers, communication devices plus many other uses. It can also be used to focus magic, magitech, and psionics.


They grow in clusters, that were all connected through “veins” underground. When the crystals are still in one piece before they were mined, they have a collective intelligence, the more of them are together the smarter they are. They have telepathy and empathy with each other and any living being.


At times small shards fall off, separating from the whole. After some study, it was discovered that the most powerful krystals were ones that were not forcibly removed. In their natural location, they would sing at times in harmony with each other. They often call to the miners that were meant to find them, disconnecting themselves and falling to the floor.


When the Krystal was mined the first person touched it with their skin imprinted on it, so they started using gloves to stop this from happening to allow others to use it. When mounted into a gun or similar object, the user can touch the crystal to bond it to them afterward no one else can use the gun but them.


Tom Swift Jr found a way to use a Kyber Krystal to store data inside. He also found a way to link them together through an ansible network.


Material Characteristics

This Krystal looks like a crystal quartz point clusters, sometimes filling whole caves full of interlocking Krystals

Physical & Chemical Properties

They amplify, focus, and power magitech items. It is warm, sentient, telepathic, and empathic. It is a crystallized form of a Skystones with similar properties

Geology & Geography

It is often found near normal Oriculum deposits.

History & Usage


Arndt Dalmor was the miner that first discovered the mineral, but Kyberian Orrick discovered a new use for it.

Cultural Significance and Usage

They have found many new uses for this new mineral.


The mined Kyber needs to be processed to be of much use, but the found Krystals can be used immediately after a fitting is created for it.


If the Kyberians get really mad at someone they can cause a discordant bio-feedback that can knock people unconscious, insane, or even death.


Boiling / Condensation Point
Unknown, they are immune to fire, heat, lightning, or force whether natural or magic.
Melting / Freezing Point
Common State
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