Ferret Species in Aquatica Homebrew | World Anvil
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Written by Pookas Kreations

The ferret belongs to the same family as the weasel, badger, and wolverine. They were thought to have been domesticated from the wild polecat for the purpose of killing vermin such as mice and rats. In some areas, they have been trained to hunt weasels and rabbits.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

The name ferret means "little thief" in Latin as they are attracted to small shiny items and tend to secret them away in a hidey-hole.

Genetics and Reproduction

They can crossbreed with many members of the Mustelidae family, including weasels. They commonly live solitarily or in small same-sex groups and only congregate during mating season. Mating occurs in the spring, while births occur in late spring and early summer. Females the young alone, usually bearing 1-6 kits (3 on average).

Growth Rate & Stages

Young are born in a small burrow and come to the surface in mid-summer. They become independent in the fall, at which time the males leave. Females usually stay for 1-2 years with their mother to learn and leave when they find their own mate or their mother does, whichever comes first. Ferrets gain sexual maturity in 1 year in both sexes.

Ecology and Habitats

Any temperate land and underground.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ferrets are carnivores. Their diet consists of small prey including the meat, organs, bones, skin, feathers, and fur. Some prey animals include opossums, rabbits, prairie dogs, hedgehogs, and rodents. When these are not available, other prey is eating like, amphibians, birds, bird eggs, fish, reptiles, and insects.

They have a quick metabolism so they need to eat frequently, usually consuming 60 grams of meat a day. They eat no plant material and can't digest it.

Additional Information

Social Structure

A group of ferrets is called a business, they are commonly solitary except in mating season. The female usually raises the young by herself. They are social animals, love to play, are active at dawn and dusk. They are territorial like to burrow and prefer to sleep in enclosed areas.


They are often used for hunting, cleaning pipes and going places that others can't. Some have even been trained by thieves to help them.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Hunting, fur and meat.

Facial characteristics

A ferret is a small, furry creature with a cone-shaped nose, long tail and a pear-shaped body with short legs and long claws. Their fur is commonly brown, black, white, or mixed.

Average Intelligence

They are smart, good at problem-solving, playful and have an insatiable curiosity.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Lowlight vision and scent.
Hunting with a ferret is called "ferreting", their long lean bodies and inquisitive nature make them well-equipped for this job. In some areas, they are commonly used to hunt small pests such as rodents, rabbits, and moles out of their burrows. Some hunters actually teach the ferrets to team up with falcons and flush the prey so the falcon can kill it.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
mustela putorius furo
8 yrs.
Average Height
3 lbs.
Average Length
20 in, including their 5 in tail.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their fur is commonly brown, black, white, or mixed.

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