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Written by Pookas Kreations

The Auroch is a large race of cattle that most present-day bovines are descended from. They are the children of the god [Bel Mithra  of the Auroch'n. Before the Aurochs there was a race of primitive bovine that Mithras ran with in his youth, he fancied one of the cows and so the Auroch was born.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Aurochs are one of the larges bovines known to live. They are taller than most men, as heavy as a young elephant, are fast and aggressive when threatened, and are very intelligent. Their horns were large and curved upwards and forwards; the male's horns were larger and more curved than the females. Portions and body shapes were strikingly different than many modern cattle breeds. The legs were longer and more slender, and the same height as their body. The skull was much larger and more elongated than most bovines. They had a strong muscular build, very different from domesticated stock, even a females udder was protected and hidden from predators sight.

Genetics and Reproduction

Aurochs can reproduce with other bovine species.

Ecology and Habitats

Any land, preferring light forests, scrublands, grasslands, meadows, steppes, and wetlands.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Aurochs are herbivores, they eat various types of grass, herbs, bushes, fruits, leaves, nuts, flowers, etc.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Like most bovids, aurochs form herds for different parts of the year, except during mating season these herds are separated by sex and did not number much more than 30. Although, during mating season males competed for rights to the females and claimed a harem as his. Males and females had these mating fights, whichever were the strongest claimed the right to mate. So only the strongest genes were passed on. This usually happened in late summer and early autumn and calved in the spring.


The Aurochs that hired their services as studs, spread their genes through their progenitors stock and helped create calmer and more docile stock to the humanoids of the area. This took many years and their superior genes eventually were bred out in the lesser stock, so they became smaller and less smart.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Guards, studs, leather, horns, and meat.

Facial characteristics

They had a broad face, long muzzle, large ears, and long horns, with curly hair forehead.

Average Intelligence

Average human intelligence, but no knowledge of science, reading or writing. The smartest of Mithras children gained the gift of speech from their father, some of them even migrated near areas of learning to gain more knowledge and some of these became known as wise-men of the steppes. A few of these actually hired out as guardians of herds, sold their services as studs and started their own herds. Only a rare few of their offspring, gained the gifts of speech however they were still as smart as their sires.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Lowlight vision, keen senses, scent.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Aurochs, like cape buffalos often had birds that follow them to eat parasitic insects out of their coat, such as ticks and fleas.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Auroch'n, bovine, sylvan, common.

Common Taboos

Killing and lying.

Historical Figures

  • Mithras
  • Innana
  • Bovina

Common Myths and Legends

  • The arrival of Mithras.
  • Choosing of his mate, Bovina.
  • The creation of the Auroch.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They are allies with Centaurs, the Travelers, and Astralus. Enemies to Atlanteans, most Atlans and their allies.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Bos primigenus mithra
20 years, Mithra's children 100 + years.
Conservation Status
This species is under the protection of Bel Mithras.
Average Height
7 ft at the shoulder, 10 ft at the head.
Average Weight
1 ton (3,400 lbs)
Average Length
Horn length is 36 inches each, for a breadth of about 96 inches (8 ft), counting the head.
Average Physique
Very muscular, fast and strong.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The coat color of calves was a chestnut color, in a few months, the young bull's coat changed to a very deep brown or black with a ventral stripe running down the spine. Cows kept their reddish-brown color. Both sexes had a light-colored muzzle, some even had a saddle on their back, blond curly forehead hair, spots or strikes, although these markings are rare.
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