Project Vanguard Organization in Aotra | World Anvil
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Project Vanguard

Arguably the Federation of Vay's best-kept secret is Project Vanguard, an effort made covert because of its sheer hubris and potential for disaster. But it is a project that, should it come to fruition, serves to immensely benefit the Federation in ways that are terrifying to everyone outside it. For Project Vanguard is a supersoldier project: the project's core effort is to create a supersoldier who draws magical power not from the Myth, but from the Otherworld. Theoretically invulnerable to mortal mages, an Other-magic supersoldier would be as volatile and unpredictable as it would be lethal. At its core, Project Vanguard is about creating a force which even the mightiest armies of the Circle of Nine could not hope to suppress.   Since its inception in 625 YC, Project Vanguard has been under the domain of the Vayan Department of Weapons, putting it under the control of the Cethandiran consul Lord Eridanis Ūdris ce'Cethandir. The existence of Project Vanguard has been kept under wraps with great success; the general public knows nothing of it. It is similarly unknown if Vanguard soldiers have ever been deployed by the Federation of Vay.


An elite kalashtar psion, known as an alpha, commands each company of Vanguard soldiers. The number of legionnaires in each company varies; generally, the more experience an alpha has, the more legionnaires they will have under their command. The companies are subdivided into several squadrons, each of which consists of a captain and a handful of legionnaires. There are always at least four squadrons in each company, fulfilling a variety of roles: light reconnaissance, heavy assault, and general combat. There is always a single guard squadron that exists solely to protect the alpha. The legionnaires, and even the captains, are fully subordinate to the alpha and act only at the alpha's direction.
Founding Date
625 YC
Military, Special Operations Force
Training Level
Parent Organization


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