Black Dragon Species in Annals of Atamor | World Anvil

Black Dragon

Today Black Dragons can't be found on the continent of Atamor. Shortly after they were created they flew to the east and disappeared beyond the horizon. It is said they reached another land, unknown to the inhabitants of Atamor. The reason for their departure remains a mystery.

Basic Information


Black Dragons are large reptilian creatures with four legs and a pair of wings.

Ecology and Habitats

Their ideal environment remains a mystery to the people of Atamor as Black Dragons no longet live there. However, it is said that in the past they preferred warmer climate and could have been found in the South-Eastern ridge of the Great Mountains.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Black Dragons are solitary creatures. They get in pairs only for breeding purposes. Females take care of children, but as soon as a child is capable of living independently they part ways. Black Dragons don't do family reunions.

Facial characteristics

Black Dragons have fin-like elements on both sides of their heads. Those elements were often described as miniature wings, but they have no role in flying. The most probable purpose of them is to intimidate opponents.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
120 years
Average Height
About 3 meters
Average Weight
2000 kg
Average Length
6 meters
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
15 meters

Cover image: World Cover by Zac Durant


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