The People's Voice Organization in Animia | World Anvil
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The People's Voice

The People's Voice is a loose movement of Amankian insurgents mostly located in large population centers like Kermish , Northport, Westport , and Krellen. Originally organized as a covert mutual aid network during Kernish occupation, the group went unnoticed by the revolutionary forces led by Gelaren Harew during the Amankian War of Independence, and largely remains so.   As the restored line of Amankian rulers settled into their now expanded kingdom, many poor, urban citizens grew frustrated that conditions for them were hardly better than they had been under the prior occupation. As a result, the network slowly began to shift its efforts towards more revolutionary activities, including raiding food storehouses and banks.   The Dukes of Amank have not connected these activities to a larger plot, and currently find themselves more concerned with the threat of roving bandits, the Cult of Fuerren, and the uneasy truce with Kernia.
Illicit, Rebel
Alternative Names
The Voice


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