The Eternal Circle Organization in Animia | World Anvil
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The Eternal Circle

The Eternal Circle guards The Everwood. Trading and dealing almost exclusively with the Incana, the circle is little more than a legend throughout the rest of Pelagria. They are rumored to have great power, and the Kerns and the dwarves rarely venture anywhere near their peninsula. Within the Eternal are circles of the Land, Stars, Shepherd, and Dreams.


A council of elders consisting of representatives from each of the circles within the Eternal acts as the governing body.


The Eternal Circle guards its territory jealously. They are suspicious of all but the Incana, through whom they hear news of the outside world. The Incana, in turn, take goods from the Circle and sell them throughout the continent.

Public Agenda

The Eternal Circle guards the secrets of The Everwood. They use their combined powers to prevent anyone from entering without their permission. The Incana are the only group allowed regular access to The Everwood.
Druidic Circle
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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