Incana Ethnicity in Animia | World Anvil
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Incana (in-CON-uh)

The Incana are a nomadic ethnic group that travels across Pelagria. While they are not recognized as citizens of any nation, they spend their winters camped in Kernia. The Incana are the only outsiders allowed to freely come and go from The Everwood. The Incana are made up entirely of multiracial humanoids; it is commonplace to find a mixture of skin colors—from greenish hues indicative or orcish ancestry, to the dark skin of the southern humans, to the paleness of the high elves—as well as ears of many shapes and even, though rare, small tiefling horns. Though they are a peaceful people, their racial mixing is seen by many humans, elves, and dwarves as a threat to their kingdoms. Human Kerns agree to tolerate the nomads so long as they agree to pay high tariffs and to not own weapons of any kind.


Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Incana recognize no deities, but rather pay homage to local spirits they believe rule the lands through which they travel. They believe that knowing the spirits and honoring them ensures a measure of protection from wild animals, hostile humanoids, and the supernatural. The Incana are slow to violence, and are even prohibited from carrying weapons in most lands, including their winter home in Kernia.
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