Abanoned Temple of Ylem Building / Landmark in Animia | World Anvil
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Abanoned Temple of Ylem

The temple lies 5 miles west and 5 miles north of Kermish. It is accessible by following the East-West road along the Barma river, then a small path known locally as the Rabbits' Trail north to a small lake.   A channel of water allows the players access to the center of the island by boat. As they draw closer, they begin to see piles of rubble amidst the trees. The island rises steeply from the water on all sides, with the exception of a small channel to the south.   The channel opens up into a shallow lagoon surrounding a central peak, atop which is perched the ruins of an old temple. A path to the east winds around the outer ring to the ruins of an old bridge. The bridge connects to the mostly intact doorway of the ruined temple. Much of the ston around the doorway has crumbled, but enough of the walls remain intact to obscure players’ vision and to support the upper floors.


The temple is built of heavy, dark stone. A once-grand archway now lies half collapsed. Trees, vines, and other plant life have all but reclaimed the structure, covering it so that one might forget it was stone and not soil.

Entry Hall

Piles of broken masonry litter the floor of the once open entrance hall. Old rotten tables and rusted censors lie overturned around the room. A new brazier stands in the center of the room, however, marked with the familiar symbol of the human god Fuerren. Three bedrolls are scattered about the room, and books litter the remnants of a crude stone altar to the north. To the east stone stairs both ascend and descend, while a large doorway stands to the west.

Upper Room

The ascending set of stairs open to the only other surviving room in the temple. Windows look out in all directions. Collapsed stonework litters this room as well, and two bedrolls are laid out on the northern side of the room.

Lower Chamber

There are two entrances to the lower chamber: stairs from the entryway and a cave opening to the west. A single cultist is supposed to be on guard duty but is distracted as he practices using the control flames cantrip. A DC 10 stealth check allows the players to surprise him.


A cave entrance opens up in the western cliff face. The cave is a wolf’s den. The wolves attack on sight and will pursue players to the water. The western wall of the cavern narrows into a small, dark passage. If players follow the passage, they eventually make their way into the ancient temple of Sumian. Ancient Underground Temple of Oria and Sumian
ca. 1000 5E
Founding Date
Late Draconic Era
Temple / Church
Parent Location


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