Gold Material in Andraous (Discontinued) | World Anvil
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"Oh so shiny and pretty, sometimes it seems like Humans value gold above all else."
This rare mineral is prized by many folk, but it is Humans that desire gold above all others. They have been known to fight entire wars over sources of gold and individuals have been known to slay Regal Dragons just to gain access to their treasure hoards. One of the most famous skirmishes over gold was known as the Golden Wars.   For Humans gold represent status and power. It can be used to gain access to other goods and services, or fashioned into beautiful pieces of decoration to show off their power. Human cultures typically use coins made of gold as their most value currency in day to day life, and governments will use gold bars for bigger purchases. Gold is also often used in jewelry, with rings and necklaces being popular. The highest ranking humans, typically kings and queens, will have crowns made of gold as a symbol of their power. In addition gold has also been used in making statues and other trinkets as status symbols. Many gold based items often have gems embedded into them to make them more impressive and valuable.   Humans are typically highly protective of their gold, often stashing it in locked boxes that are then hidden from prying eyes. Bigger collections of gold are often stored in massive vaults, protected by guards, traps, and even dangerous creatures. Despite all these protective measures these are plenty of thieves who'll take their chances and try to take the gold for themselves. There are entire industries based on protecting gold, and stealing it.


Material Characteristics

One of the softer metals, this golden colored metal is easy to shape.

Geology & Geography

While this metal can be found around the world it is relatively rare. This metal is only found underground, though occasionally deposits can be found at the surface.

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Cover image: by NorthWhiteWolf


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