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'A.O. Arcane Crystals'

On their own the 'Ancient Ones' were capable of manipulating massive amounts of magic, however as time passed their demand for more and more magic technology increased, and they needed a way to store and use magic on demand. To do this they developed 'A.O. Arcane Crystals', refined crystals that they could relatively quickly store massive amounts of magic and store for when needed. The crystals could then me used to power things such as air-ships, chimera spells, etc.


Material Characteristics

These hexagonal cut crystals are pointed at either end and are about six inches long. Typically they appear as a light pinkish color, with the inside of the crystal a slowly swirling core of power. In complete darkness these crystals slightly glow.

Physical & Chemical Properties

These crystals hold immense arcane power, and even touching one bare handed can give an individual a power high. The crystals are highly resistant to shattering, but one should hope they are not near one when it is destroyed. When shattered all of the pure, concentrated magic violently disperses, causing a massive explosion.

Geology & Geography

The raw crystals these 'magical batteries' are made from are found everywhere, however the refined version is only found on the A.O.'s Homeland and Tamerea.


Trade & Market

Even in the age of A.O.'s, these crystals were relatively rare, it took a lot of effort to create them, but when they were created, they would last a long time. In the modern ages these crystals are even more rare, for no new crystals are being made and those that are in existence are either lost, destroyed, or jealously guarded.

Law & Regulation

In many cultures it's illegal for the general public to own one of these, in part of the risk of one breaking, and because of the potential for the governments to use for military.

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Cover image: by NorthWhiteWolf


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