Nuldamire Refuge Settlement in Anacra | World Anvil

Nuldamire Refuge

Many will hear of the beauties of Nuldamire; few will ever lay eyes upon it. It is a glorious refuge of the Alfar, Children of Dawn, hidden even from the fairies and spirits of The Otherworld by their songs and spells.   The spires and bridges of Nuldamire are made from precious stones; parapets of crystal, windows of rose quartz, foundations of gold-flecked marble, and impossible archways of jade and lapis. Everywhere the golden radiance of Dawn makes the stones themselves look alive and warm. Here, nestled in one of the last remaining pockets of Creation’s glory, the Alfar dwell in remembrance of Luminias, City of Light.   Flora & Fauna   Trees of pink blossoms and glowing blue grow all around it, and other impossible and beautiful plants. Creatures formed of light dwell in the thin border of land around the waters, and birds in a thousand colors.   Trees of pink blossoms and glowing blue grow all around it, and other impossible and beautiful plants. Creatures formed of light dwell in the thin border of land around the waters, and birds in a thousand colors. The fruits and flora of Nuldamire can be perilous to the unwary. Though the wild enchantments and temptations of the fairy wilds are not permitted here, still there is a powerful magic in every living thing, and those unprepared for it could find themselves captivated, overwhelmed, or struck down by the experience.


Like all the Refuges, Alfar make up the majority of the population, but Nuldamire is nontheless a diverse place.  
Category Species
Dominant Alfar 
Minority Eladrin 
Enclave Half-Elf, Dragonborn 
Groups Human, Genasi, Fairy
Individuals Dokkalfar, Ember Dwarves, Snow Dwarves 
Single --

Economics/Wealth Classes

  The official policy of Nuldamire is that no one shall go hungry. Even the utterly destitute of the refuge have enough to survive, thanks to the rich magical bounty of its surroundings. That said, such mendicants are gently escorted away from the high crystal halls of the magocracy.


Created as it is in the image of Luminias, the prevailing rule of Nuldamire is that the creative minds dwelling there should be able to work together in harmony, resolve their differences creatively, and let mutual art rule first and foremost.   That said, a system of Magocracy holds sway in Nuldamire. The leaders of the refuge are called the Seudaí, or Jewel Shapers, and they earn their title by nomination from among their peers. The title is held for life or until retirement, but some Seudaí are subtly "encouraged" to retire. This is the primary form of political maneuvering amongst the Nuldam rulership.   Below the Seudaí, the Nuldam are divided into largely self-ruling families. They are expected to resolve issues and disagreements amongst each other. There is a vague rank of clout based on great works of art and creativity, but this tapestry is constantly in flux.


Hidden in a pocket inside The Otherworld, the primary defense of Nuldamire is secrecy. The veil obscuring it from outsiders only answers to the correct songs, and the Nuldam jealously guard this song.    Beyond that, a river of crystal clear water surrounds the refuge, and every family has mages who, even if they aren't trained in the arts of combat, know the songs and spells that raise guardians from the water. Crystalline water elementals will emerge, clad in flowing armor, to battle any invaders.   But Nuldamire has never been invaded by force, and infiltrators are usually dealt with by secretive wardens who wield magical barriers of every color. It's said that Prismatic Magic originated in Nuldamire.

Industry & Trade

Because the population is, all things considered, rather small, and they live a magically enhanced lifestyle, the Nuldam need little from the outside world. They do not welcome traders like Andarud. If they have need of some great magic or important resource, they send envoys out with precious jewels and mineral wealth to trade quietly with the precise people involved.


Most of the towers and structures of Nuldamire are made from semiprecious stones or enormous crystals. With a few exception they're not literally solid diamond or ruby...but some of them are. Raised by magic and sculpted with careful spells over aeons, the city itself is built to catch the light as it circles the refuge, spreading a spectrum of ever changing luminescence across the river that surrounds it.


As with all Alfar refuges, Nuldamire is hidden by powerful veils. You cannot stumble upon it from the Mortal World—only in Fairy can you find the hidden ways, and then only if you know the songs and signs of the Alfar. When the wise come to the fairy rivers and sing the melody of parting, the water ripples golden before them and they pass under a bridge that was not there a moment ago, entering Nuldamire’s enchanted land.   Surrounded by water on all sides, Nuldamire appears to be constructed upon a hill, though it may be flat ground and the city itself has simply soared to incredible heights. The sky is a palette of bright blue, almost teal, with clouds of silver, gold and copper. They flow like paint in water, painting murals against the brilliant azure dome of heaven. At night, the sky is a black velvet set with sparkling ribbons--the Celestial Lights, like nocturnal rainbows.

Natural Resources

Built upon a rich pocket of Dawn Magic, Nuldamire also has a close connection with the elemental wellsprings of Earth. These two forces combined allowed them to raise the gemstone towers, and still make them rich with magical power and mineral wealth.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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