Alfar Species in Anacra | World Anvil


The so-called Dawn Elves travel from time to time to Human cities. They wear garments of fantastic color and texture, woven from nigh-impossible fabrics—the silk of the lunar moth, the wisps of gossamer trees. Alfar are skilled with magic and create objects of beauty. When they travel to human settlements, it is most often to share wisdom with mortal sages, or bring a gift of wondrous beauty in exchange for something odd (water from a particular stream, a lock of hair from a child born on mid summer’s day, etc).   In secret, the Alfar often take mortal lovers during these visits. Their trysts are passionate and fleeting. The long lives of the Alfar mean that the same guest may appear several generations apart.   The hidden cities of the Alfar are said to be wonders of magic and architectural genius. They love light and gemstones, adorning their buildings with prisms and stones that focus and scatter light a thousand ways, into insubstantial sculptures. Their dwelling places are always concealed by powerful magic and may lie between the human lands and the dwellings of Sidhe

Basic Information



Biological Traits

Alfar reach middle age around 175, old around 263, venerable around 350, and usually die of old age between then and the age of 750. Heights average between 4'7" and 6'4," with a great deal of variance.   Alfar can have any physical build.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sexual reproduction, mammals.

Growth Rate & Stages

Physically mature by 25, emotionally mature around 125. Extremely long lived, up to 700 years old.

Ecology and Habitats

Temperate forests, The Otherworld

Dietary Needs and Habits

Largely vegetarian diet but generally omnivorous

Additional Information

Social Structure

Varies, as the Alfar are not a cultural monolith, but usually centers around great artisans or magical prowess as signs of rulership.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Largely concentrated in magically hidden Refuges, concealed with the The Otherworld in dense concentrations. Otherwise found traveling between settlements. Occasionally settle in non-Alfar societies.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Darkvision, keen senses, sensitivity to Dawn Magic.


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