Fire Dragon Species in An Old World | World Anvil
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Fire Dragon

Dragons with Fire Elemental Magic

Basic Information


As with all dragons, fire dragons have four legs, two wings and a long tail. They are generally very lean as too much muscle or fat would cause them to overheat in their natural environment. Their faces are generally narrow and they have relatively short snouts.

Biological Traits

Fire dragons are specially adapted to hot climates so have very little excess body fat and muscle. They are smaller than both ice and earth dragons to allow them to better regulate their body temperature and avoid overheating.

Genetics and Reproduction

Fire dragons lay eggs in clutches between four and ten eggs, depending on the size of the female. The eggs typically take around four months to hatch. Eggs are laid year round due to the nests being in close proximity to volcanic heat sources so temperature isn't usually a problem.   Females may choose to make their nests away from the volcanoes, in which case they will build bigger nests so that the female can lay with her eggs to keep them warm enough.

Growth Rate & Stages

Fire dragons are considered hatchlings until they are between two and and years old. At this stage they have developed enough to sustain flight for a significant amount of time. After that they are younglings until they can breath fire. The ability to breath fire may come quickly to some while it may take many years for others. Very rarely, a hatchling will breath fire before it can sustain flight. In this case it remains a hatchling until it can sustain flight at which point it is considered a young dragon.   Dragons who can both sustain flight and breath fire are considered adult fire dragons. Dragons will continue to grow until around the age of fifty but growth will slow down significantly after the age of around twenty-five.

Ecology and Habitats

Fire dragons thrive in areas of high temperature. Despite being hot enough, deserts are too dry and don't contain enough prey for the dragons to sustain themselves so are not typically found in those areas. Fire dragons instead prefer volcanic regions, whether that be near thermal vents or at the opening of an active volcano. These areas are often surrounded by lush vegitation which attracts their prey making it a perfect environment for them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Fire dragons generally hunt larger animals. Rarely, a fire dragon will hunt cattle or other livestock due to it's proximity to humans. Dragons do not fear humans but know it would spark resistance to them if they started hunting the humans' food. They do not need to eat every day.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Fire dragons have a very loose sense of society. They pass knowledge of their ancestors down to younglings and other young dragons and they will tell stories of the past but they lack anything to bind them together in a big enough way to form any sort of community. Groups of dragons separated by large distances will often have very different stories and history.


Unbonded dragons will often consider bonded dragons "domesticated", despite the fact that the bonded dragons act no differently than they would than if they were unbonded.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Fire dragons are a key part of the Tal Mínakú.

Facial characteristics

Fire dragons have medium length, rounded snouts. Their eye colour ranges from pale orange to deep red and typically matches the hue of their scales. They have a single pair of horns on the top of their head which typically grow straight up before curving down an back up at around the midpoint of their length.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Fire dragons in Órlekanú are almost exclusively found in proximity to the volcanoes of Kíathandí as it is the only place which provides the right temperature for their eggs to hatch. Adults will roam away from the volcanoes and can be seen all over the islands. Some may even be seen near the southern coast of Dagdír.

Average Intelligence

Fire dragons are highly intelligent creatures, comparable to most humans. Hatchlings have a mental capacity similar to small children while younglings are comparable to young adults. Older dragons possess intelegence beyond even the best human scholars.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Fire dragons have an excellent sense of vision and smell. Their sense of hearing is less than that of a human but not by much. They can also sense other living beings in proximity with their minds due to their natural telepathic abilities.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Unbonded wild dragons don't have typical names. Instead, they are reffered to by a description, usually of their most notable traits. Unlike a name, these descriptions vary over time and can be different for each individual.   Bonded dragons are named by the human they bonded to. Dragons are typicaly named after great dragons from history or a traditional name in Gaervar. Some dragons are named after humans or descriptions in Gaervar, similar to wild dragon "names" except these names are permanent.

Major Organizations

Bonded fire dragons are usually part of the Tal Mínakú. All fire dragons live within the borders of Kíathandí but don't typically interact with humans.

Common Myths and Legends

Fire dragons all believe they are formed from the flame of Tahla.

by Irigan Drako

Genetic Ancestor(s)
150 - 200 years
Average Height
3.8 meters
Average Length
10.4 meters (from nose to tail tip)
Average Physique
Lean muscle and low amounts of body fat. Long limbs, neck and tail. Relatively small body. Large wings.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The colouring of fire dragons ranges from charcoal grey to pitch black. The colouring of the underside, wing membranes, talons and horns range from burnt orange to blood red. This is to help them blend in with the volcanic rocks which they call home. Older dragons also typically have a pattern on the grey/black scales resembling branching lava flows. This pattern is usually of the same colour as the dragon's underside/wing membranes.
Related Myths
Wingspan: 5.7 - 6.5 meters from wing-tip to wing-tip

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