The Shattered Isle Geographic Location in Amion | World Anvil
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The Shattered Isle

Little is known for sure about the island known only as the Shattered Isle. Those few who have any knowledge about it speak of a wild magic riddled wasteland out in the ocean, far off the coast east of Dawnshield. Tales are told about an order of wizards that made their home there, centuries ago, who were fascinated with the idea that the world was crafted by the gods. They wanted to harness that power themselves, and to shape reality to their whim. No one alive knows exactly what happened on the island, but a handful of long-lived individuals recall a thundering explosion in 553, accompanied by blinding flashes of light across the sea. This display went on for over a week, until it finally stopped. It was then another several days before anyone was able to investigate, and they found the island in its current state.


The island is a ruin of shattered rock, with outcroppings and plateaus dotting the wasteland haphazardly. Chunks of rough stone float above the isle, ranging from small rocks, to what can almost be called mountains, suspended floating by the wild magic lacing the area.

Localized Phenomena

The Shattered Isle is beset by strange storms not seen elsewhere in Amion. These rolling storms are clouds of purple fog and clouds, crackling with eldritch electricity. Untamed magic, left over after the cataclysm of 553, lashes about the island, laying waste to almost all life that sets foot upon the wasteland.

Fauna & Flora

Any plant life that may have once existed upon the Shattered Isle has long since been wiped clean, by the cataclysm and resulting arcane storms. A handful of animals, however, still make their homes upon the island. Colonies of birds still inhabit the wasteland, though they have turned to hunting other animals and even each other as a food source. Other animals still exist, but have been twisted in various ways by the loose magic, resulting in creatures such as blink dogs and displacer beasts roaming the wastes.

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